TY - JOUR AU - Cremers, Henricus-Paul AU - Mercken, Liesbeth AU - Crutzen, Rik AU - Willems, Paul AU - de Vries, Hein AU - Oenema, Anke PY - 2014 DA - 2014/03/18 TI -电子邮件和手机提示会刺激小学儿童重用互联网提供的吸烟预防干预吗?JO - J医学Internet Res SP - e86 VL - 16 IS - 3kw -互联网提供的干预KW -提示KW -小学儿童KW -计算机定制AB -背景:改善互联网提供的干预措施的使用(例如,初次就诊和复诊)以促进健康的生活方式,如不吸烟是电子健康领域最大的挑战之一。在成人和青少年中,提示在刺激重复使用互联网提供的干预措施方面是有效的。然而,关于提示促进儿童重用网站的有效性的证据仍然很少。目的:本研究的目的是调查(1)提示是否有效促进儿童预防吸烟信息的干预网站的重复使用,(2)提示的内容是否与重复使用的效果相关,以及(3)对提示有反应或没有反应的儿童之间是否存在差异。方法:这项整群随机研究的样本包括来自108所荷兰小学的1124名儿童(10-11岁),他们被分配到网络提供的吸烟预防干预研究的实验组。所有参与者都完成了一份基于网络的关于(非)吸烟相关因素的问卷调查。学校被随机分为不提示组(n=50)和提示组(n=58)。所有的孩子都可以重新访问干预网站,但只有提示组的孩子收到电子邮件和短信提示重新访问网站。这些提示信息起到了刺激干预网站重用的作用。 Reuse of the website was objectively tracked by means of a server registration system. Repeated measures analysis of variance and linear regression analysis were performed to assess the effects of prompts on website reuse and to identify individual characteristics of participants who reuse the intervention website. Results: Children in the prompt group reused the intervention website significantly more often compared to children in the no-prompt group (B=1.56, P<.001). Prompts announcing new animated videos (F1,1122=9.33, P=.002) and games about (non-)smoking on the website (F1,1122=8.28, P=.004) resulted in most reuse of the website. Within the prompt group, children with a low socioeconomic status (SES) reused the intervention website more often (B=2.19, P<.001) than children of high SES (B=0.93, P=.005). Conclusions: Prompts can stimulate children to reuse an intervention website aimed at smoking prevention. Prompts showed, furthermore, to stimulate children of a low SES slightly more to reuse an intervention website, which is often a difficult target group in terms of stimulating participation. However, the number of revisits was quite low, which requires further study into how prompts can be optimized in terms of content and frequency to improve the number of revisits. Trial Registration: Netherlands Trial Register Number: NTR3116; http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=3116 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6O0wQYuPI). SN - 14388871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2014/3/e86/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3069 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24642082 DO - 10.2196/jmir.3069 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.3069 ER -