TY -的盟Salminen海伦娜盟——Zary Nabil盟——比约克隆德,卡琳AU - Toth-Pal,伊娃盟——Leanderson夏洛特PY - 2014 DA - 2014/01/06 TI -虚拟患者在初级保健:开发一个可重用的模式,培养反思性实践和临床推理乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e3六世- 16 - 1 KW -虚拟病人KW -临床推理KW -反射KW -初级保健KW - AB医学教育背景:初级保健是瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院医学课程的一个组成部分。它存在于学生教育的每个阶段。虚拟病人(vp)可以支持学习过程,在教授沟通技巧、以病人为中心、临床推理和反思性思维方面是一个有价值的补充。目前关于虚拟患者的文献缺乏关于如何从初级保健的角度设计和使用虚拟患者的报道。目的:本研究的目的是为初级护理中的虚拟病人创建一个模型,以促进医学生的反思实践和临床推理。主要的研究问题是如何设计一个虚拟病人模型与嵌入式流程技能适合初级保健教育。方法:使用开放塔夫茨大学科学知识库(OpenTUSK)虚拟患者系统作为原型工具开发VP模型。VP模型和使用开发的模型创建的病例都由10名经验丰富的初级保健医生组成的小组进行了验证,然后由参与医疗项目的教师组成的工作组进一步改进。通过对14名学生的焦点小组访谈来调查学生对副校长的看法,并使用内容分析法对结果进行分析。 Results: The VP primary care model was based on a patient-centered model of consultation modified according to the Calgary-Cambridge Guides, and the learning outcomes of the study program in medicine were taken into account. The VP primary care model is based on Kolb’s learning theories and consists of several learning cycles. Each learning cycle includes a didactic inventory and then provides the student with a concrete experience (video, pictures, and other material) and preformulated feedback. The students’ learning process was visualized by requiring the students to expose their clinical reasoning and reflections in-action in every learning cycle. Content analysis of the focus group interviews showed good acceptance of the model by students. The VP was regarded as an intermediate learning activity and a complement to both the theoretical and the clinical part of the education, filling out gaps in clinical knowledge. The content of the VP case was regarded as authentic and the students appreciated the immediate feedback. The students found the structure of the model interactive and easy to follow. The students also reported that the VP case supported their self-directed learning and reflective ability. Conclusions: We have built a new VP model for primary care with embedded communication training and iterated learning cycles that in pilot testing showed good acceptance by students, supporting their self-directed learning and reflective thinking. SN - 14388871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2014/1/e3/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2616 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24394603 DO - 10.2196/jmir.2616 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.2616 ER -