TY - JOUR AU - Spreckelsen, Cord AU - Finsterer, Sonja AU - Cremer, Jan AU - Schenkat, Hennig PY - 2013 DA - 2013/08/15 TI -社会语义Web技术能否促进医学中的协作课程映射?JO - J医学Internet Res SP - e169 VL - 15 IS - 8kw -课程映射KW -医学教育KW -语义网KW -社会网AB -背景:课程映射,旨在系统地重新调整计划、教授和学习的课程,被认为是医学教育中具有挑战性和持续的努力。第二代课程管理系统促进知识管理过程,包括课程映射,以便为学习者、教师和管理人员提供全面的支持。这一领域大量的定制软件表明可用的IT工具和标准存在缺陷。目的:本项目旨在系统地采用社会语义网的技术和标准,为一个完整的医学模型课程实现协同课程映射。方法:引入基于语义MediaWiki (SMW)的Web应用程序作为亚琛学习目标目录(ACLO)的启发和修订平台。语义wiki使用课程上下文的域模型,并为学习目标提供结构化(基于表单的)数据输入、多视图、结构化查询、语义索引和注释。学习目标的语义索引依赖于国际医学分类的受控词汇表(ICD, MeSH)和用户维护的大众分类法。另外一个支持全局一致性检查的模块补充了语义wiki。对象约束语言的语句定义了一致性标准。 We evaluated the application by a scenario-based formative usability study, where the participants solved tasks in the (fictional) context of 7 typical situations and answered a questionnaire containing Likert-scaled items and free-text questions. Results: At present, ACLO contains roughly 5350 operational (ie, specific and measurable) objectives acquired during the last 25 months. The wiki-based user interface uses 13 online forms for data entry and 4 online forms for flexible searches of LOs, and all the forms are accessible by standard Web browsers. The formative usability study yielded positive results (median rating of 2 (“good”) in all 7 general usability items) and produced valuable qualitative feedback, especially concerning navigation and comprehensibility. Although not asked to, the participants (n=5) detected critical aspects of the curriculum (similar learning objectives addressed repeatedly and missing objectives), thus proving the system’s ability to support curriculum revision. Conclusions: The SMW-based approach enabled an agile implementation of computer-supported knowledge management. The approach, based on standard Social Semantic Web formats and technology, represents a feasible and effectively applicable compromise between answering to the individual requirements of curriculum management at a particular medical school and using proprietary systems. SN - 14388871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2013/8/e169/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2623 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23948519 DO - 10.2196/jmir.2623 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.2623 ER -