TY -的AU - Lu,艾米案PY - 2013 DA - 2013/07/25 TI -有说服力的实验测试效果来源相似的叙事和Nonnarrative地中海健康博客乔- J互联网Res SP - e142六世- 15 - 7 KW -源相似KW -裁剪KW -个性化KW -定制KW -叙事KW -博客KW -社会媒体KW -说服KW -身体活动KW -健康传播KW -健康促进AB -背景:博客,或包含在线个人日志的网站,是一种流行的个人交流形式,具有促进健康的巨大潜力。目标:叙事是包含开头、中间和结尾的故事,提供关于角色和情节的信息。源相似度是指消息源和每个接收者在某些属性方面的相似程度。叙述和来源相似度很少作为健康说服的策略被同时研究。个人健康博客为这种调查提供了一个合适的平台。本研究考察了信息类型和来源相似性对参与者采取特定健康行为(跑步锻炼)意图的说服效应。方法:在完全交叉的2(信息类型:叙事和非叙事)× 3(信息源相似度:无相似度、与健康相关的相似度和与健康相关的相似度)受试者间实验中,共150名受试者被随机分配到不同的条件(每个条件n=25)。首先,在一份在线问卷中,参与者提供42个类别的个人信息,并对每个类别与跑步的相关性进行评级,然后完成因变量的预测测量。根据他们的回答,建立了150个个人健康博客。 Two weeks later, the initial participants read the blog created with their personal characteristics and completed a questionnaire online. Results: The source similarity effect was stronger in nonnarrative than narrative blogs. When the blogs were nonnarrative, those with health-related similarities were more persuasive than those with non-health-related similarities. Narrative blogs generated more positive thoughts and stronger blogger identification than nonnarrative blogs. Conclusions: Health-related source similarity is key for persuasive health communication, especially when the messages are nonnarrative. SN - 14388871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2013/7/e142/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2386 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23887135 DO - 10.2196/jmir.2386 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.2386 ER -