TY -非盟的挥拳相向,马丁AU -桑德,乌维盟——Pisch弗兰克PY - 2013 DA - 2013/02/01 TI - 8质疑Physician-Rating网站:系统回顾乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e24六世- 15 - 2 KW -医生评级网站KW -病人叙述KW -公开报道KW -透明千瓦系统回顾AB -背景:Physician-Rating网站目前受到了人们的欢迎,因为他们在卫生保健系统增加透明度。然而,对这些门户网站的特征和内容的研究仍然有限。目的:识别和综合同行评审期刊上发表的关于医生评级网站经常讨论的问题的证据。方法:在7个数据库(Medline(通过PubMed)、Cochrane Library、Business Source Complete、ABI/Inform Complete、PsycInfo、Scopus和ISI web of knowledge)中搜索同行评议的英语和德语文献,没有任何时间限制。此外,对纳入研究的参考文献列表进行了筛选以确保完整性。以下八个先前定义的问题被解决:1)有多少百分比的医生被评级?2)医生评分网站上的平均评分数是多少?3)被评为医生的社会经济地位是否存在差异?4)评价更可能是积极的还是消极的?5)患者叙事有什么意义? 6) How should physicians deal with physician-rating websites? 7) What major shortcomings do physician-rating websites have? 8) What recommendations can be made for further improvement of physician-rating websites? Results: Twenty-four articles published in peer-reviewed journals met our inclusion criteria. Most studies were published by US (n=13) and German (n=8) researchers; however, the focus differed considerably. The current usage of physician-rating websites is still low but is increasing. International data show that 1 out of 6 physicians has been rated, and approximately 90% of all ratings on physician-rating websites were positive. Although often a concern, we could not find any evidence of "doctor-bashing". Physicians should not ignore these websites, but rather, monitor the information available and use it for internal and ex-ternal purpose. Several shortcomings limit the significance of the results published on physician-rating websites; some recommendations to address these limitations are presented. Conclusions: Although the number of publications is still low, physician-rating websites are gaining more attention in research. But the current condition of physician-rating websites is lacking. This is the case both in the United States and in Germany. Further research is necessary to increase the quality of the websites, especially from the patients’ perspective. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2013/2/e24/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2360 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23372115 DO - 10.2196/jmir.2360 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.2360 ER -