TY - JOUR AU - Agoritsas, Thomas AU - Merglen, Arnaud AU - Courvoisier, Delphine S AU - Combescure, Christophe AU - Garin, Nicolas AU - Perrier, Arnaud AU - Perneger,托马斯·V PY - 2012 DA - 2012/06/12 TI -敏感性和预测价值15 PubMed搜索策略对完整回答临床问题评价系统评价乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e85燃料六世- 14 - 3 KW -循证医学KW -信息检索KW -医学文献KW -搜索策略KW - PubMed KW - Medline KW -临床查询KW -搜索过滤器KW -灵敏度千瓦召回KW -阳性预测值KW -精密AB -背景:临床医生每天都在PubMed上进行搜索,但由于医学知识的快速扩展,检索相关研究具有挑战性。当搜索策略被应用于回答特定的临床问题时,人们对其性能知之甚少。目的:比较15种PubMed检索策略检索相关治疗干预临床试验的效果。方法:采用Cochrane系统综述方法对30个临床问题进行相关试验。使用基于人口、干预、比较、结果(PICO)框架的预定义过程从摘要中提取搜索词,并将其组合成查询。我们测试了15种不同的搜索策略,它们的查询(PIC或PICO)、使用PubMed的临床查询治疗过滤器(广义或狭义)、搜索限制以及PubMed的相关文章链接。我们评估了前2个PubMed页面(40篇文章)和完整搜索输出上每种策略的灵敏度(召回率)和正预测值(精确度)。结果:根据不同的临床问题,搜索策略的表现差异很大。 Unfiltered searches and those using the broad filter of Clinical Queries produced large outputs and retrieved few relevant articles within the first 2 pages, resulting in a median sensitivity of only 10%–25%. In contrast, all searches using the narrow filter performed significantly better, with a median sensitivity of about 50% (all P < .001 compared with unfiltered queries) and positive predictive values of 20%–30% (P < .001 compared with unfiltered queries). This benefit was consistent for most clinical questions. Searches based on related articles retrieved about a third of the relevant studies. Conclusions: The Clinical Queries narrow filter, along with well-formulated queries based on the PICO framework, provided the greatest aid in retrieving relevant clinical trials within the 2 first PubMed pages. These results can help clinicians apply effective strategies to answer their questions at the point of care. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2012/3/e85/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2021 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22693047 DO - 10.2196/jmir.2021 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.2021 ER -