TY -非盟的濑户,艾米丽AU -伦纳德,凯文·J AU - Cafazzo约瑟夫AU -巴恩斯利,Jan AU - Masino Caterina AU -罗斯,希瑟·J PY - 2012 DA - 2012/02/10 TI -感知和经验的心脏衰竭患者和临床医生在使用移动电话远程控制乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e25六世- 14 - 1 KW -心脏衰竭KW -遥控KW -手机KW -病人监护KW -自我保健KW -定性研究AB -背景:先前对心力衰竭远程监测系统的试验产生了不一致的结果,主要是由于不同的干预措施和研究设计。目的:本研究的目的是:(1)深入了解远程监护对自我保健和临床管理的影响,(2)确定成功实现心力衰竭远程监护的特征。方法:对22例使用手机远程监护系统6个月的心功能门诊心衰患者进行半结构化访谈。远程监测系统要求患者每天测量体重和血压,每周进行单导联心电图,并在手机上回答每天的症状问题。根据病人的生理值,指示被发送到他们的手机上。根据需要,警报也会发送到心脏病专家的手机上。所有参与研究的临床医生在试验后也接受了访谈(N = 5)。访谈被记录、转录,然后使用传统的内容分析方法进行分析。结果:远程监护系统通过实时指导患者如何适当改变生活方式行为,提高了患者的自我保健水平。患者更清楚自己的心衰状况,更少焦虑,更有力量。 Many were willing to partially fund the use of the system. The clinicians were able to manage their patients’ heart failure conditions more effectively, because they had physiological data reported to them frequently to help in their decision-making (eg, for medication titration) and were alerted at the earliest sign of decompensation. Essential characteristics of the telemonitoring system that contributed to improved heart failure management included immediate self-care and clinical feedback (ie, teachable moments), how the system was easy and quick to use, and how the patients and clinicians perceived tangible benefits from telemonitoring. Some clinical concerns included ongoing costs of the telemonitoring system and increased clinical workload. A few patients did not want to be watched long-term while some were concerned they might become dependent on the system. Conclusions: The success of a telemonitoring system is highly dependent on its features and design. The essential system characteristics identified in this study should be considered when developing telemonitoring solutions. Key Words: SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2012/1/e25/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1912 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22328237 DO - 10.2196/jmir.1912 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.1912 ER -