TY -非盟的范德Krieke连盟——Emerencia安藤C盟——Aiello Marco AU - Sytema会PY - 2012 DA - 2012/02/06 TI -可用性评估的网络支持系统患有精神分裂症的诊断乔- J地中海互联网Res SP e24六世- 14 - 1 KW -精神分裂症KW -基于web的系统KW -推荐系统KW -可用性测试KW -自我管理AB -背景:例行结果监测(ROM)是一种评估服务使用者健康状况的系统方法,目的是更好地协助他们的护理。ROM由用于评估服务用户的身体、心理和社会状况的各种措施组成。虽然只读存储器在精神卫生保健部门正变得越来越重要,但其弱点之一是只读存储器并不总是充分面向服务用户。首先,临床医生倾向于关注那些提供临床症状和功能信息的ROM结果,而有人建议,面向服务用户的方法需要关注个人康复。其次,服务用户对ROM结果的访问有限,他们往往没有能力解释这些结果。这些问题需要得到解决,因为获得资源和分享决策的机会已被表明是服务使用者在与其临床医生沟通时成为更平等的合作伙伴的先决条件。此外,共同决策已被证明可以改善治疗联盟,并导致更好的护理。目的:我们的目标是建立一个基于网络的支持系统,使ROM结果更容易为服务用户所获取,并为他们提供有关其功能的更具体和个性化的信息(如症状、住房、社会联系),他们可以使用这些信息与临床医生讨论治疗方案。在这项研究中,我们将报告基于网络的精神分裂症服务用户支持系统的可用性。 Methods: First, we developed a prototype of a web-based support system in a multidisciplinary project team, including end-users. We then conducted a usability study of the support system consisting of (1) a heuristic evaluation, (2) a qualitative evaluation and (3) a quantitative evaluation. Results: Fifteen service users with a schizophrenia diagnosis and four information and communication technology (ICT) experts participated in the study. The results show that people with a schizophrenia diagnosis were able to use the support system easily. Furthermore, the content of the advice generated by the support system was considered meaningful and supportive. Conclusions: This study shows that the support system prototype has valuable potential to improve the ROM practice and it is worthwhile to further develop it into a more mature system. Furthermore, the results add to prior research into web applications for people with psychotic disorders, in that it shows that this group of end users can work with web-based and computer-based systems, despite the cognitive problems they experience. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2012/1/e24/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1921 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22311883 DO - 10.2196/jmir.1921 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.1921 ER -