TY - JOUR AU - Harris, Peter R AU -沉默,Elizabeth AU - Briggs, Pam PY - 2011 DA - 2011/07/27 TI -感知威胁和证实:改进基于互联网的健康信息和建议信任预测模型的关键因素JO - J医学互联网Res SP - e51 VL - 13 IS - 3kw -互联网、信任、电子健康、威胁、恐惧-呼吁、社会认知模型。背景:当人们在网上寻求健康建议时,如何决定使用哪些网站?从电子商务的相关工作中,我们可以假设,影响站点信任的一般设计因素是重要的,但在本文中,我们还讨论了特定于健康领域的因素的影响。目的:目前的研究旨在(1)评估网络信任的一般度量的析因结构,(2)建立模型,结果因素如何预测在健康相关网站上找到的建议的信任和采取行动的准备程度,(3)测试从社会认知模型中添加变量,以捕捉对威胁的在线健康风险信息的反应元素,是否增强了对这些结果的预测。方法:参与者被要求回忆一个他们曾经用来搜索健康相关信息的网站,并在回答在线问卷时想起这个网站。该问卷由一份普通的Web信任问卷和网站评估项目组成,包括威胁评估、信息检查和确证。它在hungersite.com网站上进行了宣传。这个网址是通过雅虎和当地印刷媒体发布的。我们使用主成分分析评估指标的析因结构,并使用EQS软件的结构方程建模(SEM)对结果指标的预测效果进行建模。结果:我们报告了对为自己搜索健康建议的参与者的反应的分析(N = 561)。 Analysis of the general Web trust questionnaire revealed 4 factors: information quality, personalization, impartiality, and credible design. In the final SEM model, information quality and impartiality were direct predictors of trust. However, variables specific to eHealth (perceived threat, coping, and corroboration) added substantially to the ability of the model to predict variance in trust and readiness to act on advice on the site. The final model achieved a satisfactory fit: χ25 = 10.8 (P = .21), comparative fit index = .99, root mean square error of approximation = .052. The model accounted for 66% of the variance in trust and 49% of the variance in readiness to act on the advice. Conclusions: Adding variables specific to eHealth enhanced the ability of a model of trust to predict trust and readiness to act on advice. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2011/3/e51/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1821 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21795237 DO - 10.2196/jmir.1821 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.1821 ER -