TY -非盟的机器人,剧中盟——温和、Ivon EJ盟——Bemelmans万达我PY - 2009 DA - 2009/7/30 TI -全国实施Hello World:荷兰基于邮件对孕妇健康促进项目乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e24六世- 11 - 3 KW -健康促进KW -互联网KW -怀孕KW -电子邮件AB -背景:2006年11月,一个基于邮件健康促进项目对孕妇实施全国在荷兰。该程序包括电子邮件,其中包含根据怀孕周数量身定制的与怀孕相关的问题。邮件每4周发送一次,最多9封。目的:本研究的目的是(1)评估参与者的招募情况及其在荷兰人口中的代表性;(2)研究不同教育水平的女性在招募、项目使用和项目欣赏方面的差异。方法:数据来自13946名在项目第一年注册的孕妇。注册后,参与者被问及他们是如何发现这个项目的,随后收到一份电子邮件问卷,评估人口统计、生活方式和互联网特征。跟踪程序的使用情况,并将参与者分为五个用户组(不活跃到非常活跃)。在女性收到第三封和第六封测试邮件后,通过电子邮件问卷对节目的欣赏程度(低、中、高)进行了两次评估。有关孕妇及其特征的信息是从荷兰登记处获得的,以评估研究人群的代表性。结果:荷兰约有8%的孕妇参加了该计划。 Immigrants were underrepresented, and women with a low level of education seemed to be slightly underrepresented. Most women knew about the program from a promotional email sent by the organization (32%), followed by the Internet (22%) and midwives (16%). Women with little education were more often inactive users of the program than were highly educated women (15% vs 11%, P < .001), whereas highly educated women were more often very active users compared with women with little education (25% vs 20%, P< .001). However, women with less education were more likely than women with more education to have a high appreciation of the program after receiving three quiz emails (52% vs 44%, P = .001). Conclusions: In this real-life setting, pregnant women can be reached through an email-based health promotion program. Selective engagement by education level remains a challenge. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2009/3/e24/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1183 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19674957 DO - 10.2196/jmir.1183 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.1183 ER -