王晓明,王晓明,王晓明,王晓明,王晓明,王晓明,王晓明,王晓明,王晓明,王晓明。网络传播与接触对成人行为改变干预的影响因素研究。2008da - 2008/4/16德尔菲研究方法因特网因特网干预健康行为改变传播暴露德尔菲研究背景:因特网是一种有吸引力的媒介,可以向大量人群提供个性化的、计算机定制的行为改变干预措施。然而,实际接触到的人数似乎低于高预期。深入了解决定这些互联网干预措施的使用和暴露的因素对于能够扩大覆盖范围和改善暴露非常重要。目的:目的是确定潜在的重要因素,决定成年人是否访问互联网提供的行为改变干预,延长访问时间,并重新访问干预。方法:对来自互联网干预研究与实践、网络营销/电子商务、网页设计和技术网站开发等领域的国内外专家进行了系统的三轮德尔菲研究。在第一轮中,30位专家完成了一份结构化的开放式在线问卷,评估他们认为对首次访问、长期访问、再次访问和有效推广策略重要的因素。根据第一份问卷的回答,我们开发了一份封闭式在线问卷,供第二轮使用。共有233位专家被邀请完成这份问卷。计算中位数和四分位数偏差(IQD)分数,以计算对因素重要性的一致性和共识。 The factors for which no consensus was obtained (IQD > 1) were included in the third-round questionnaire. Factors with a median score of six or higher and with an IQD ≤ 1 were considered to be important. Results: Of the 62 experts invited for the first round, 30 completed the questionnaire (48% response rate); 93/233 experts completed the second-round questionnaire (40% response rate), and 59/88 completed the third round (67% response rate). Being motivated to visit an Internet intervention and perceiving the intervention as personally relevant appeared to be important factors related to a first visit. The provision of tailored feedback, relevant and reliable information, and an easy navigation structure were related to an extended visit. Provision of regular new content and the possibility to monitor personal progress toward behavior change were identified as important factors to encourage a revisit. Primarily traditional promotion strategies, like word-of-mouth by family and friends, a publicity campaign with simultaneous use of various mass media, and recommendation by health professionals, were indicated as effective ways to encourage adults to visit an Internet intervention. Conclusions: This systematic study identified important factors related to the dissemination of and exposure to Internet interventions aimed at adults. In order to improve optimal use of and exposure to Internet interventions, potential users may need to be motivated to visit such an intervention and the information provided needs to be personally relevant. Furthermore, several (technical) aspects of the intervention itself need to be taken into account when developing Internet interventions. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2008/2/e10/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.956 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18417443 DO - 10.2196/jmir.956 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.956 ER -