% 0期刊文章% @ 1438 - 8871 V %我Gunther Eysenbach % 9% 3% N P e24 % T个人健康信息的评价残余在二手个人计算机磁盘驱动器% El伊玛目哈立德%内里,埃米利奥% Jonker,伊丽莎白% + CHEO研究所,401年史密斯路,渥太华,加拿大安大略省K1H 8 l1,加拿大,+ + 1 613 797 5412,kelemam@uottawa.ca % K隐私% K保密% K安全% K数据披露% D原始论文7 30.9.2007 % 9 2007% % J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:公众关注其健康信息的隐私,特别是当越来越多的健康信息以电子方式收集、存储和交换时。但我们不知道从数据托管机构泄露的个人健康信息(PHI)的程度。数据泄露的一种形式是通过出售、捐赠、丢失或从医疗机构或在这些机构工作的个人那里被盗的计算机设备。以前的研究表明,从二手磁盘驱动器中获取敏感的个人信息(PI)是可能的。然而,目前还没有研究以这种方式调查PHI的泄漏。目的:本研究的目的是确定从二手计算机磁盘驱动器中获得PHI的程度。方法:建立一个加拿大二手计算机设备销售商的名单,我们系统地浏览了这个名单,并试图从这些销售商那里购买二手磁盘驱动器。购买了60个功能磁盘驱动器,并使用计算机取证工具分析了包含PHI的数据残余。结果:有可能从65% (95% CI: 52%-76%)的驱动器中恢复PI。 In total, 10% (95% CI: 5%-20%) had PHI on people other than the owner(s) of the drive, and 8% (95% CI: 7%-24%) had PHI on the owner(s) of the drive. Some of the PHI included very sensitive mental health information on a large number of people. Conclusions: There is a strong need for health care data custodians to either encrypt all computers that can hold PHI on their clients or patients, including those used by employees and subcontractors in their homes, or to ensure that their computers are destroyed rather than finding a second life in the used computer market. %R 10.2196/jmir.9.3.e24 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2007/3/e24/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9.3.e24