% 0期刊文章% @ 1438 - 8871 V %我Gunther Eysenbach % 9% N P e11 % T达到2%,接触,和保留在一个基于互联网的减肥计划多站点随机对照试验%格拉斯哥,罗素E %纳尔逊,坎迪斯C %卡尼,凯萨琳%里德,罗伯特·% Ritzwoller,黛布拉P %说明,维克多J %库珀,米克P %绿色,贝弗利% Wildenhaus,凯文% + Kaiser Permanente科罗拉多州,335路跑路,彭罗斯,公司81240年美国+ 1 719 372 3165,russg@ris.net互联网减肥招募代表性保持率坚持率行为改变消费者健康信息随机对照试验背景:越来越多的研究支持这样一个结论,即与随机对照条件相比,通过互联网提供的精心设计的项目可以产生显著的减肥效果。对于本研究中涉及的四个重要问题知之甚少:(1)哪种招募方法产生更高的电子健康参与率,(2)哪些患者特征与登记有关,(3)哪些特征与计划中的用户参与程度有关,以及(4)哪些特征与项目评估的持续参与有关。方法:我们招募了三个健康维护组织(HMOs)的超重成员参加由HealthMedia, Inc.开发的完全以互联网为媒介的减肥计划。采用了两种不同的招聘方法:由每个HMO的预防主任亲自写信,以及在会员通讯中发出一般通知。私人信件被发送给被诊断患有糖尿病或心脏病的会员,在一个HMO中,发送给特定地理位置的一般会员样本。数据是在2×2随机对照试验的背景下收集的,参与者被分配接受或不接受目标设定干预和营养教育干预。结果:共有2311名患者入组。对汇总数据的双变量分析显示,个性化邮件比会员通讯产生更高的注册率,患有糖尿病或心脏病的会员比没有这些诊断的会员更有可能注册。此外,男性、60岁以上的人、吸烟者和估计有较高医疗费用的人不太可能参加研究(均P < 0.001)。 Males and those in the combined intervention were less likely to engage initially, or to continue to be engaged with their Web program, than other participants. In terms of retention, multiple logistic regressions revealed that enrollees under age 60 (P < .001) and those with higher baseline self-efficacy were less likely to participate in the 12-month follow-up (P = .03), but with these exceptions, those participating were very similar to those not participating in the follow-up. Conclusions: A single personalized mailing increases enrollment in Internet-based weight loss. eHealth programs offer great potential for recruiting large numbers of participants, but they may not reach those at highest risk. Patient characteristics related to each of these important factors may be different, and more comprehensive analyses of determinants of enrollment, engagement, and retention in eHealth programs are needed. %M 17513282 %R 10.2196/jmir.9.2.e11 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2007/2/e11/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9.2.e11 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17513282