基于互联网的交互式健康干预:促进理性饮酒;使用模式和对公众成员的潜在影响%A Linke,Stuart %A Murray,Elizabeth %A Butler,Ceri %A Wallace,Paul %+英国伦敦n195na海格特山17号Hill House 5楼卡姆登和Islington心理健康和社会护理信托基金Islington心理健康心理服务负责人,电话:+44 020 7685 4700;stuart.linke@candi.nhs.uk %K酒精%K饮酒%K健康促进%K互联网%D 2007年8月5日背景:酗酒是造成重大健康和社会问题的原因。短暂的干预已证明是有效的,但在接触到那些可能从中受益的人方面存在困难。初步研究表明,基于网络的干预很可能被酗酒者接受,并可能产生一些健康益处。然而,关于有多少人可能会使用这种程序、使用模式和潜在好处的数据很少。目的:目的是检查一个免费的、基于网络的、为期6周的重度饮酒者干预项目的用户的人口统计学特征,并描述用户识别该网站的方法、网站使用和流失的模式、与完成该项目相关的特征,以及自我报告对酒精相关结果的影响。方法:队列研究。网站的访问者被提供了快速酒精筛选测试,那些得分高于危险饮酒分界点的人被邀请参加该计划。在登记时例行收集人口统计信息,并在第1周和第6周结束时完成问卷调查。 The outcome measures assessed dependency (Short Alcohol Dependency Data Questionnaire), harms (modified Alcohol Problems Questionnaire), and mental health (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation–Outcome Measure). Results: The records of 10000 users were analyzed. The mean age was 37.4 years, 51.1% were female, 37.5% were single, and 42.4% lived with children. The majority were White British, lived in the United Kingdom, and reported occupations from the higher socioeconomic strata. Over 70% connected to the Down Your Drink (Down Your Drink) site from another Internet-based resource, whereas only 5.8% heard about the site from a health or other professional. Much of the Web site use (40%) was outside normal working hours. Attrition from the program was high, with only 16.5% of registrants completing the whole 6 weeks. For those who completed the program, and the final outcome measures, measures of dependency, alcohol-related problems, and mental health symptoms were all reduced at week 6. Conclusions: The Web-based intervention was highly used, and those who stayed with the program showed significant reductions in self-reported indicators of dependency, alcohol-related problems, and mental health symptoms; however, this association cannot be assumed to be causal. Programs of this type may have the potential to reach large numbers of heavy drinkers who might not otherwise seek help. There are significant methodological challenges and further research is needed to fully evaluate such interventions. %M 17513281 %R 10.2196/jmir.9.2.e10 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2007/2/e10/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9.2.e10 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17513281