杂志文章Gunther Eysenbach通过向医生建议病人问题来改善哮喘治疗的网站:用户体验定性分析%A Hartmann,Christine W %A Sciamanna,Christopher N %A Blanch,Danielle C %A Mui,Sarah %A Lawless,Heather %A Manocchia,Michael %A Rosen,Rochelle K %A Pietropaoli,Anthony %+卫生政策系,杰斐逊医学院,1015核桃街,Suite 115,费城,PA 19107, +1 215 955 5744,背景:哮喘是美国最常见的慢性疾病之一,然而,尽管有国家指南的存在,近四分之三的哮喘患者没有得到充分的控制,临床对指南的依从性很低。虽然这有很多原因,但医生在改变治疗方法方面的惰性是部分原因。研究表明,要求特殊检查和治疗的患者更有可能得到治疗。目的:本研究调查了使用交互式患者网站的影响和体验,该网站旨在为患者提供关于其病情的个人反馈,并为患者向医生提出量身定制的问题。该网站被设计成在医生就诊前使用,以增加患者接受推荐检查和治疗的可能性。方法:共有37名成年哮喘患者参加了半结构化的电话采访,旨在引出他们使用该网站的经验信息。转录本使用定性数据分析技术和软件进行编码。主题是从通过分析生成的代码子集中开发出来的。 In addition, 26 physicians were surveyed regarding their impressions of the website. Results: Opportunities exist for improving website feedback, although the majority of both patient and physician respondents held favorable opinions about the site. Two major themes emerged regarding patients’ experiences with the website. First, many patients who used the website had a positive shift in their attitudes regarding interactions with their physicians. Second, use of the website prompted patients to become more actively involved in their asthma care. No patient reported any negative experiences as a result of using the website. Physicians rated the website positively. Conclusions: Patients perceived that the interactive website intervention improved communication and interaction with their physicians, suggesting that patients can play a role in overcoming the clinical inertia of providers. Although the design and content of the website can be improved upon, the main findings suggest that use of the website is well accepted and is perceived to improve the quality of care that patients receive. %M 17478412 %R 10.2196/jmir.9.1.e3 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2007/1/e3/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9.1.e3 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17478412