%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I Gunther Eysenbach %V 8% N 2% P e6% T信息时代学生的健康信息素养和能力:来自交互式在线研究准备自我评估(RRSA) %A Ivanitskaya,Lana %A O 'Boyle,Irene %A Casey,Anne Marie %+中密歇根大学,助理教授,1205卫生专业大楼,Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859, USA, +1 989 774 1639,ivani1sv@cmich.edu %K健康信息%K电子健康信息%K电子资源评价%K电子%K电信%K消费者健康信息%K患者教育%K教育状况%K计算机网络%D 2006 %7 21.4.2006 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:在一个信息容易获取的时代,即将进入卫生专业的大学生需要培养他们的信息能力。研究准备自我评估(RRSA)基于高等教育信息素养能力标准,它衡量获得卫生信息、评估卫生信息质量和理解剽窃的熟练程度。目的:研究大学生健康信息消费者查找和评价电子健康信息的熟练程度;评估他们区分同行评议的学术资源和观点文章或推销的能力;并考察他们对自身健康信息能力水平的认识程度。方法:采用56项交互式在线评估方法——研究准备状态自评量表(RRSA)对大学生健康信息能力进行测评。我们邀请了400名学生参与研究,308名学生参与,回复率为77%。RRSA包括多项选择题和基于问题的练习。 Declarative and procedural knowledge were assessed in three domains: finding health information, evaluating health information, and understanding plagiarism. Actual performance was contrasted with self-reported skill level. Upon answering all questions, students received a results page that summarized their numerical results and displayed individually tailored feedback composed by an experienced librarian. Results: Even though most students (89%) understood that a one-keyword search is likely to return too many documents, few students were able to narrow a search by using multiple search categories simultaneously or by employing Boolean operators. In addition, nearly half of the respondents had trouble discriminating between primary and secondary sources of information as well as between references to journal articles and other published documents. When presented with questionable websites on nonexistent nutritional supplements, only 50% of respondents were able to correctly identify the website with the most trustworthy features. Less than a quarter of study participants reached the correct conclusion that none of the websites made a good case for taking the nutritional supplements. Up to 45% of students were unsure if they needed to provide references for ideas expressed in paraphrased sentences or sentences whose structure they modified. Most respondents (84%) believed that their research skills were good, very good, or excellent. Students’ self-perceptions of skill tended to increase with increasing level of education. Self-reported skills were weakly correlated with actual skill level, operationalized as the overall RRSA score (Cronbach alpha = .78 for 56 RRSA items). Conclusions: While the majority of students think that their research skills are good or excellent, many of them are unable to conduct advanced information searches, judge the trustworthiness of health-related websites and articles, and differentiate between various information sources. Students’ self-reports may not be an accurate predictor of their actual health information competencies. %M 16867969 %R 10.2196/jmir.8.2.e6 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2006/2/e6/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.8.2.e6 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16867969