[j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j] [j]美国纽约纽约10027哥伦比亚大学邮差公共卫生学院,西125街215号一楼,健康信息首选资源的横断面调查%A Cohall,Alwyn T %A Cohall,Renee %A Dye,Bonnie %A Dini,Sheila %A Vaughan,Roger D %+ Harlem健康促进中心,+1 646 284 9725atc1@columbia.edu %K互联网%K城市%K少数民族%K父母%K青少年%K健康%K学校%D 2004年3月12日背景:弱势群体受到各种健康状况的不成比例的影响。获得健康信息是促进健康的一个重要组成部分。报告显示,虽然保健提供者和印刷媒体是传统的信息来源,但互联网可能正在成为消费者日益重要的资源。特别是,对于城市有色人种青少年的父母来说,互联网可以被证明是帮助他们了解青少年健康和行为问题的宝贵资产。目的:确定有色人种父母关注的青少年健康和行为问题的类型,并评估他们对健康信息来源(包括互联网)的偏好。方法:在2001-2002年期间,对纽约哈莱姆区九年级学生的父母(主要是非裔美国人和西班牙裔)进行了一项保密的自我调查。该文书评估了关注的健康和行为问题、首选的信息资源、计算机和互联网的所有权和利用模式以及获得更多计算机/互联网培训的兴趣。结果:共完成问卷调查419份; 165 in 2001 (67% response rate) and 254 in 2002 (no response rate available). Analysis of responses indicated a substantial degree of interest in obtaining information about a variety of adolescent health issues, including: HIV, sexually transmitted infections, , mental health concerns and relationships with family and peers. While home ownership of computers (84%) and access to the Internet were reasonably high (74%), use of the Internet for health information was low (14%). However, 62% of parents indicated a strong desire to have more instruction on computers and the Internet. Conclusions: Compared to other sources of health information, the Internet is underutilized by urban parents of color. Additional research is needed to identify strategies to improve utilization and assess subsequent impact on parenting activities. %M 15631967 %R 10.2196/jmir.6.4.e43 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2004/4/e43/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6.4.e43 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15631967