%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I Gunther Eysenbach %V 5% N 4% P e27% T基于web的临床数据库通用设计%A Anhøj,Jacob %+阿斯利康A/S,商业通信,Roskildevej 22, DK-2620 Albertslund,丹麦,+45 43666275,jacob@anhoej.net %K数据库%K医疗信息应用%K软件设计%K Internet %D 2003 %7 4.11.2003 %9综述%J J Med Internet Res %G英文%X背景:临床信息领域的复杂性和快速演变和扩展使得临床数据库的开发和维护变得困难。每当在传统关系数据库系统中引入新的数据类型或修改现有类型时,数据库的物理设计必须相应更改。因此,临床数据库应该灵活,允许修改和添加新类型的数据,而不必更改物理数据库模式。因此,理想的临床数据库应该在一个完全通用的物理模式中实现高度详细的逻辑数据库模式,该模式将各种各样的临床数据存储在一个小而恒定的表中。目的:回顾临床数据库通用设计方面的医学文献。方法:为PubMed和谷歌设计了一种搜索策略,以获得关于该主题的同行评审文章和免费Web资源的最佳匹配。结果:发现了八篇同行评审的文章和一个Web教程。所有资源都描述了所谓的实体-属性-值(EAV)设计,作为简化临床数据库中数据表物理布局的一种手段。在实体-属性-值设计中,所有数据都可以存储在一个通用表中,概念上有3列:1列是实体(例如,患者识别),1列是属性(例如,名字),1列是值(例如,“Jens Hansen”)。 To add more descriptive fields to the entity class, all that is necessary is to add attribute values to be stored in the attribute field. The main advantages of the Entity-Attribute-Value design are flexibility and effective entity-centered data retrieval. The main disadvantages are complicated front-end programming needed to display data in a conventional layout that the user understands and less-efficient attribute-centered queries. The Internet offers unique opportunities for database deployment, eliminating problems of user-interface deployment. Furthermore, Web forms may be generated in a completely-generic fashion during run time from metadata describing the semantic structure of clinical information stored in the database. Conclusions: The Entity-Attribute-Value model is useful for generic design of clinical databases. Depending on the specific requirements of the application, more or less complex metadata models may be applied. %M 14713655 %R 10.2196/jmir.5.4.e27 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2003/4/e27/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.5.4.e27 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14713655