%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 I Gunther Eysenbach %V 3% N 4% P e28 %T互联网卫生信息质量倡议审查%A风险,Ahmad %A Dzenowagis,Joan %+世界卫生组织,卫生信息管理和传播部,20大道Appia, CH-1211日内瓦27,瑞士,riska@who.ch %K互联网/标准%K道德,专业%K社会控制,正式%K医疗保健质量%K质量保证%K医疗保健/标准%K商务/标准%K信息管理/标准%K医疗信息学/标准%K质量控制%K指南%K隐私%K知情同意%D 2001 %7 26.12.2001 %9回顾%J J医疗互联网Res %G英文%X背景:互联网上健康信息的大量增长;互联网的全球性;在这一领域中,各行为体之间的关系发生了翻天覆地的变化,而出于健康目的使用互联网的公民没有受到真正的保护,这些都被视为真正的问题。对其中许多问题的一种应对办法是,许多试图解决卫生信息质量问题的组织迅速出台了行为守则。目标:审查英语国家为制定互联网卫生信息质量和道德标准而采取的主要自我监管举措。比较和分析不同计划所采取的方法。阐明有关标准制定和执行的问题。方法:选择的质量计划满足以下一个或多个标准:自我调节。一个合理的选区。 Diversity (eg, of philosophy, approach and process)-to achieve balance and wide representation, and to illustrate and compare different approaches. Historic value. A wider reach than a national audience, except when its reach is a significant sector of the Internet health information industry. The initiatives were compared in 3 ways: (1) Analysis and comparison of: key concepts, mechanism, or approach. Analysis of: the obligations that a provider has to meet to comply with the given initiative, the intended beneficiaries of that initiative, and the burdens imposed on different actors. These burdens are described in terms of their effect on the long-term sustainability and maintenance of the initiative by its developers. Analysis of the enforcement mechanisms. (2) Analysis and comparison by type of sponsoring organization, the reach of the initiative, and the sources of funding of the initiative or the sponsoring organization. (3) How the various initiatives fall under 1 of 3 key mechanisms and comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of these key mechanisms. Results: The issues that affect the initiatives and future work on the quality of health information on the Internet are identified and analyzed. These issues are: (a) Three key mechanisms used in the quality initiatives (b) Sustainability issues that affect the initiatives: Burdens placed on health information providers, citizens and others. Currency and maintenance issues of the initiatives. Funding. Cost. Acceptance. Market conditions. User indifference or ambivalence. (c) Enforcement issues surrounding the initiatives (d) Adequacy of approach, scope, reach, and enforcement provisions of the various quality initiatives (e) Gaps that need to be addressed to achieve good quality of health information on the internet Conclusions: Ten conclusions are presented. A framework of action to be undertaken by the World Health Organization in the field of quality of health information on the Internet is recommended. %M 11772543 %R 10.2196/jmir.3.4.e28 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2001/4/e28/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3.4.e28 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11772543