杂志文章%@ 1438-8871 I Gunther Eysenbach %V 3 %N 2 %P e23 %T互联网上的医学和健康伦理挑战:评论%A Dyer,Kirsti A %+ Kaiser Permanente, Lafayette CA 94549,美国,griefdoc@kirstimd.com %K互联网%K伦理,医疗%K伦理,专业%K伦理,信息学%K医患关系%K道德规范%K研究伦理%K医学信息伦理%D 2001 %7 28.6.2001 %9评论%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X知识和能力,特别是在新技术或新研究领域,发展速度往往快于从业者在新领域进行道德实践所需的指导方针和原则;在医学领域尤其如此。医药和医疗保健与电子商务和互联网的融合提出了许多问题,包括医疗互联网的从业者和开发者应该期待什么样的道德行为。一些医疗和保健网站的早期先驱用可疑的、甚至不道德的做法挑战了伦理边界。许多参与医疗互联网的人现在正努力通过制定指导方针来重建患者和消费者的信任,以确定如何将医疗道德行为准则的基本原则最好地适用于医疗/保健互联网。最终,所有参与创建、维护和营销医疗和保健网站的人都应该被要求遵守严格的道德行为准则,该准则是由一个公正的国际组织公平确定的,该组织有合理的权力来规范该准则。此代码还可以作为医疗和医疗保健Internet社区中道德网站的一个理想的、可识别的区分标签。对于那些参与医疗和医疗保健互联网的人来说,一个挑战是确定什么构成了“医疗互联网伦理”或“医疗保健互联网伦理”,因为医疗伦理的定义因国而异。 Therefore, the emerging field of Medical/ Healthcare Internet Ethics will require careful thought and insights from an international collection of ethicists in many contributing areas. This paper is a review of the current status of the evolving field of Medical/Healthcare Internet Ethics, including proposed definitions and identification of many diverse areas that may ultimately contribute to this multidisciplinary field. The current role that medicine and health play in the growing area of Internet communication and commerce and many of the ethical challenges raised by the Internet for the medical community are explored and some possible ways to address these ethical challenges are postulated. %M 11720965 %R 10.2196/jmir.3.2.e23 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2001/2/e23/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3.2.e23 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11720965