% 0期刊文章% @ 1438 - 8871 %我Gunther Eysenbach % V P N suppl2 % e6 % 2% T替代医学在互联网上% Muret,马克7 13.9.2000 2000% % D % 9抽象% J J互联网Res % G英语% X如果你去书店寻找信息在一个特定的健康问题你会有一个选择之间的“医学”角落科学手册为专业人士和“健康”的角落里,与各种各样的关于针灸的书,阿育吠陀,自然疗法,顺势疗法,营养,按摩,等等!在网上怎么样?即使是短途旅行也会给你带来很多“医疗”信息,但当你在“健康”角落寻找替代方法时,你会相当失望。有趣的网站很少,信息量也很少。在许多情况下,治疗师的名单严重不完整;其中没有经验丰富的专业治疗师。对替代疗法的建议很肤浅,只是鼓励使用者去买一些专科或书籍。许多网站只是引用其他网站的信息,结果导致基本信息相当贫乏。正如我们所知,“健康”信息变得越来越重要,因为患者希望为自己承担更多的责任。 They look for alternative methods. Doctors too, as 46% of Swiss doctors use alternative methods in one way or another (Médecine et Hygiène, 1996). That is why we should not leave this part of the Internet in the hands of unqualified people. To some doctors, alternative medicine may seem a chaotic maelstrom of superstition and odd techniques. That is not so. Nearly every alternative therapy has a long tradition with its own rules and principles. All reliable therapists have undergone years of training and expect the same from their colleagues. Why should this search for quality not be present online?What is needed? Good quality information. The identity of the author must be clear (education, tradition, professional experience, training). As many schools claim to be "the only one", the user should be informed about the differences and conflicts between all the approaches. Ethical behavior must be encouraged: respect the right to be different, show respect and tolerance, act correctly regarding copyright. More good authors should put their articles on the Net to increase the amount of basic data available online (theory, case reports, FAQ etc.). The need to create a specific (virtual) team in order to establish quality criteria, screen, control and grade the online information about alternative medicine seems obvious. This team must include professional experts with specific knowledge and experience. A homeopath should evaluate homeopathy, an acupuncturist should evaluate acupuncture. Serious thought has to be given to creating a central data bank on alternative medicine, to provide quality information to different portals and websites, as well as to patients, doctors, educators and journalists. %R 10.2196/jmir.2.suppl2.e6 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2000/suppl2/e6/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2.suppl2.e6