%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I Gunther Eysenbach %V 2% N 3% P e14% T后eprints世界中的同行评审:A Proposal %A Till,James +大学卫生网络,610大学大道,安大略省多伦多M5G 2M9,加拿大,till@oci.uhnres.utoronto.ca K Internet %K计算机通信%K电子出版%K Cybermetrics %D 2000 %7 1.9.2000 %9观点%J J Med Internet Res %G英文%X最近,已经建立了一些电子生物医学预打印服务器,允许电子论文存档,无需事先同行评审,已经建立。最著名的是临床医学与健康研究网和《柳叶刀》电子研究档案。这些标志着在向公众提供预印本电子版方面的一项新实验向临床医学和健康研究的延伸。然而,到目前为止,生物医学界在采用这种新的通信形式方面进展缓慢。本文讨论了如何提高电子打印服务器的价值和吸引力,以及如何评估电子预打印(电子打印,网络打印)。之前关于传统同行评议后拒绝率变化的研究表明,学术共识的程度是接受的一个重要变量。这个变量似乎在读者和编辑对电子出版物的评价中也很重要。不请自来的评论与受委托的评论相结合,可能会产生比单独任何一种都更高质量的文章。然而,如果系统地应用于所有的电子打印,这样的过程将是耗时和劳动密集型的。 A sequential review process is proposed, beginning with the acceptance of a preprint by an eprint server, followed by revision on the basis of comments received publicly or privately, and by the solicitation of selected eprints for commissioned review. This sequential process could have advantages, both for the authors of articles, and for journal editors. For example, the eprint would, in effect, have been submitted simultaneously to a large number of relevant journals. Some issues about evaluative studies of the outcomes of eprint submissions are also considered briefly. It would be particularly valuable if every eprint server included access to comparative statistics on visits by readers to individual eprints. %M 11720937 %R 10.2196/jmir.2.3.e14 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2000/3/e14/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2.3.e14 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11720937