[0]期刊文章[@ 1438-8871 % JMIR出版物]%V 24卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 7 %P e38395% T COVID-19错误信息与社交网络众筹替代疗法和抗疫苗指令的横断面研究%A Shaw,Nathan M %A Hakam,Nizar %A Lui,Jason %A Abbasi,Behzad %A Sudhakar,Architha %A Leapman,Michael S %A Breyer,Benjamin N %+加州大学旧金山分校泌尿外科,poterero Ave 1001, Suite #3A26, San Francisco, CA, 94110,美国,19252859854。shawlah88@gmail.com %K COVID-19 %K错误信息%K信息流行病%K社交媒体%K GoFundMe %K疫苗犹豫%K疫苗接种%K信息流行病学%K运动%K治疗%K疫苗授权%K卫生保健%K在线健康信息%D 2022 %7 27.7.2022 %9原文%J J医学互联网研究%G英语%X背景:众筹越来越多地用于抵消疾病和卫生保健的经济负担。在COVID-19大流行和相关信息大流行的时代,众筹在支持有争议的COVID-19立场方面的作用是未知的。目的:我们试图研究与covid -19相关的众筹,重点是为未得到主要医疗实体认可的替代疗法提供资金,包括明确反对疫苗、反口罩或反卫生保健立场的运动。方法:我们对要求为COVID-19救济捐款的个人的GoFundMe活动进行了横断面分析。通过关键词和人工审查确定活动,将活动分类为“传统治疗”、“替代治疗”、“业务相关”、“授权”、“第一反应”和“一般”。对于每个活动,我们提取了基本的叙述、用户粘性和财务变量。在人工审查的变量中,还包括“任务类型”、“任务立场”以及在战役叙述中是否存在COVID-19错误信息等额外变量。新冠肺炎虚假信息被定义为“虚假或误导性陈述”,可以提供引用的证据来反驳这种说法。 Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the study cohort. Results: A total of 30,368 campaigns met the criteria for final analysis. After manual review, we identified 53 campaigns (0.17%) seeking funding for alternative medical treatment for COVID-19, including popularized treatments such as ivermectin (n=14, 26%), hydroxychloroquine (n=6, 11%), and vitamin D (n=4, 7.5%). Moreover, 23 (43%) of the 53 campaigns seeking support for alternative treatments contained COVID-19 misinformation. There were 80 campaigns that opposed mandating masks or vaccination, 48 (60%) of which contained COVID-19 misinformation. Alternative treatment campaigns had a lower median amount raised (US $1135) compared to traditional (US $2828) treatments (P<.001) and a lower median percentile of target achieved (11.9% vs 31.1%; P=.003). Campaigns for alternative treatments raised substantially lower amounts (US $115,000 vs US $52,715,000, respectively) and lower proportions of fundraising goals (2.1% vs 12.5%) for alternative versus conventional campaigns. The median goal for campaigns was significantly higher (US $25,000 vs US $10,000) for campaigns opposing mask or vaccine mandates relative to those in support of upholding mandates (P=.04). Campaigns seeking funding to lift mandates on health care workers reached US $622 (0.15%) out of a US $410,000 goal. Conclusions: A small minority of web-based crowdfunding campaigns for COVID-19 were directed at unproven COVID-19 treatments and support for campaigns aimed against masking or vaccine mandates. Approximately half (71/133, 53%) of these campaigns contained verifiably false or misleading information and had limited fundraising success. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.3330 %M 35820053 %R 10.2196/38395 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/7/e38395 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38395 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35820053