%0杂志文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 24%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 7% P e38332 %T在COVID-19信息大流行中信息源、卫生素养和COVID-19知识之间的关系:日本横断面在线研究%A Inoue,Mami %A Shimoura,Kanako %A Nagai-Tanima,Momoko %A青山,Tomoki %+京都大学医学研究生院人类健康科学系,53,川原町,Shogoin Sakyo-ku,京都,606-8507,日本,81 075 751 3964,tanima.momoko.8s@kyoto-u.ac.jp %K COVID-19大流行%K信息源%K健康素养%K COVID-19知识%K社交媒体%K横断面研究%K大众媒体%K数字媒体%D 2022 %7 22.7.2022 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:COVID-19大流行不仅造成了疾病流行,还造成了信息大流行。由于互联网和社交媒体的使用增加,以及通信技术的发展,信息在新冠肺炎疫情中传播得更快、更远。此外,信息来源的选择增加了,使人们更难对信息做出合理的决定。尽管社交媒体是错误信息最常见的来源,但其他形式的媒体也可以传播错误信息。然而,具有较高卫生素养和COVID-19知识的人用于获取信息的媒体来源尚不清楚。此外,多重信息源的使用与卫生素养或COVID-19知识之间的关联尚不明确。目的:本研究旨在从以下3个方面探讨COVID-19信息疫情:(1)健康素养、COVID-19知识与信息源数量的关系;(2)媒体使用对卫生素养的影响; and (3) the impact of media use on COVID-19 knowledge. Methods: An online cross-sectional study was conducted in November 2021. Participants were 477 individuals aged 20-69 years. After obtaining consent to participate in the study, participants were asked about sociodemographic indicators, sources of health-related information, health literacy, and COVID-19 knowledge. Sources of health-related information were categorized into 4 types: mass media, digital media, social media, and face-to-face communication. The Spearman rank correlation test was conducted to determine the relationship between health literacy, the number of correct answers to COVID-19 knowledge, and the number of information sources used. Multiple regression analysis was conducted with health literacy and the number of correct answers as dependent variables, the 4 media types as independent variables, and age and sex as adjustment variables. Results: Mass media was the most frequently used source of information, followed by digital media, face-to-face communication, and social media. Social media use was significantly higher among individuals aged 20-29 years than among other age groups. Significant positive correlations were found between health literacy, the number of positive responses to COVID-19 knowledge, and the number of information sources used. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that health literacy is associated with access to information from digital media and face-to-face communication. Additionally, COVID-19 knowledge was associated with access to information from mass media, digital media, and face-to-face communication. Conclusions: Health literacy and COVID-19 knowledge could be improved using diverse information sources, especially by providing opportunities to use digital media and face-to-face communication. Furthermore, it may be important to improve health literacy and provide accurate knowledge about COVID-19 to young adults. %M 35839380 %R 10.2196/38332 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/7/e38332 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38332 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35839380