通过数字病理学提高诊断水平;卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析使用智能合约和去中心化文件存储的概念验证实现%A Subramanian,Hemang %A Subramanian,Susmitha %+佛罗里达国际大学信息系统与商业分析系,美国佛罗里达州迈阿密NW 8街11200号,33193,美国,1 3053482830hsubrama@fiu.edu %K数字病理%K不可替代代币标准%K去中心化存储%K安全性和患者数据保密性使用设计%K病理%K存储%K安全性%K保密性%K数据%K设计%K诊断%K概念证明%K实现%K软件%K区块链%K限制%K隐私%D 2022 %7 28.3.2022 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网研究%G英语%X由于成像和数字化的进步,数字病理学的最新进展增加了疾病诊断病理学的便利性和可用性,特别是在肿瘤学、泌尿学和胃肠病学诊断方面。然而,尽管有可能包括低成本的诊断和可行的远程医疗,由于昂贵的存储、数据安全要求和传输高分辨率图像和相关数据的网络带宽限制,数字病理学还无法实现。与数据收集和诊断相关的存储、传输和安全复杂性的增加,使得使用人工智能算法进行机器辅助疾病诊断更具挑战性。我们设计并原型化了一个数字病理系统,该系统使用基于区块链的智能合约,使用不可替代令牌(NFT)标准和星际文件系统进行数据存储。我们的设计弥补了现有数字病理系统基础设施的缺陷,这是集中的。该设计可扩展到其他需要高保真图像和数据存储的医学领域。我们的解决方案在数据系统中实施,可以提高护理质量,降低获得专业病理诊断的成本,缩短诊断周期。 Objective: The main objectives of this study are to highlight the issues in digital pathology and suggest that a software architecture–based blockchain and the Interplanetary File System create a low-cost data storage and transmission technology. Methods: We used the design science research method consisting of 6 stages to inform our design overall. We innovated over existing public-private designs for blockchains but using a 2-layered approach that separates actual file storage from metadata and data persistence. Results: Here, we identified key challenges to adopting digital pathology, including challenges concerning long-term storage and the transmission of information. Next, using accepted frameworks in NFT-based intelligent contracts and recent innovations in distributed secure storage, we proposed a decentralized, secure, and privacy-preserving digital pathology system. Our design and prototype implementation using Solidity, web3.js, Ethereum, and node.js helped us address several challenges facing digital pathology. We demonstrated how our solution, which combines NFT smart contract standard with persistent decentralized file storage, solves most of the challenges of digital pathology and sets the stage for reducing costs and improving patient care and speed of diagnosis. Conclusions: We identified technical limitations that increase costs and reduce the mass adoption of digital pathology. We presented several design innovations using NFT decentralized storage standards to prototype a system. We also presented the implementation details of a unique security architecture for a digital pathology system. We illustrated how this design can overcome privacy, security, network-based storage, and data transmission limitations. We illustrated how improving these factors sets the stage for improving data quality and standardized application of machine learning and artificial intelligence to such data. %M 35343905 %R 10.2196/34207 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e34207 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/34207 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35343905