%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 24 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析%N 10 %P e39243 %T卫生保健会话代理:他们的行为改变技术和基础理论的范围回顾%A Martinengo,Laura %A Jabir,Ahmad Ishqi %A Goh,Westin Wei Tin %A Lo,Nicholas Yong Wai %A Ho,Moon-Ho Ringo %A Kowatsch,Tobias %A Atun,Rifat %A Michie,Susan %A Tudor Car,Lorainne %+李江前医学院,新加坡南洋理工大学,临床科学大楼18层,新加坡,308232,新加坡,65 69047142,lorainne.tudor.car@ntu.edu.sg %K行为改变%K行为改变技术%K会话代理%K聊天机器人%K mHealth %D 2022 %7 3.10.2022 %9 Review %J J Med Internet Res %G English %X背景:会话代理(ca)在医疗保健中越来越多地用于提供行为改变干预。它们的评估通常包括使用分类系统对行为改变技术(BCT)进行分类,其中BCT分类法v1 (BCTTv1)是最常见的分类系统之一。之前的研究已经对ca提供的行为改变干预措施进行了描述性总结,但迄今为止还没有发表关于bct在这些干预措施中使用的深入研究。目的:本综述旨在描述ca提供的行为改变干预,并确定bct和指导其设计的理论。方法:我们搜索了PubMed、Embase、Cochrane 's中央对照试验登记册,以及2021年4月谷歌和谷歌Scholar的前10页。我们包括评估CA提供的行为改变干预的初级、实验性研究。BCTs编码遵循BCTTv1。两个独立的审稿人选择了这些研究并提取了数据。描述性分析和频繁项集挖掘用于识别BCT聚类。 Results: We included 47 studies reporting on mental health (n=19, 40%), chronic disorders (n=14, 30%), and lifestyle change (n=14, 30%) interventions. There were 20/47 embodied CAs (43%) and 27/47 CAs (57%) represented a female character. Most CAs were rule based (34/47, 72%). Experimental interventions included 63 BCTs, (mean 9 BCTs; range 2-21 BCTs), while comparisons included 32 BCTs (mean 2 BCTs; range 2-17 BCTs). Most interventions included BCTs 4.1 “Instruction on how to perform a behavior” (34/47, 72%), 3.3 “Social support” (emotional; 27/47, 57%), and 1.2 “Problem solving” (24/47, 51%). A total of 12/47 studies (26%) were informed by a behavior change theory, mainly the Transtheoretical Model and the Social Cognitive Theory. Studies using the same behavior change theory included different BCTs. Conclusions: There is a need for the more explicit use of behavior change theories and improved reporting of BCTs in CA interventions to enhance the analysis of intervention effectiveness and improve the reproducibility of research. %M 36190749 %R 10.2196/39243 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e39243 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/39243 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36190749