%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 23卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 7% P e27029 %T使用搜索趋势分析中国大陆地区对下尿路症状相关查询、诊断和治疗的网络兴趣:百度指标数据的信息流行病学研究%魏善遵马A吴明于长静姜伯涛A文莉莎付曦A史福东A明+四川大学华西医院泌尿外科,成都国学街37号,611130,86 18080173954,18080173954@189.cn %K下尿路症状%K患者教育%K百度指数%K信息流行病学%K公共利益%K尿路疾病%K信息监测%K网络搜索%K搜索引擎%K医疗保健政策%K数字健康%D 2021 %7 6.7.2021 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:下尿路症状(LUTS)是全球最常描述的排尿疾病之一。以前的调查主要集中在符合研究人员标准的病例的前瞻性识别上;因此,患者对LUTS的真正需求和相关问题可能会被忽视。目的:我们旨在通过使用中国大陆的主要搜索引擎,在全国和区域范围内研究与LUTS相关的网络搜索趋势和行为。方法:使用2011年1月至2020年9月的luts相关术语查询百度指数。记录每个词的搜索量,以分析搜索趋势和人口分布。针对用户兴趣,收集并分析用户需求图数据和趋势数据。结果:在13个LUTS域中,百度索引数据库中有11个域可用。 The Baidu search index for each LUTS domain varied from 37.78% to 1.47%. The search trends for urinary frequency (2011-2018: annual percent change APC=7.82%; P<.001), incomplete emptying (2011-2014: APC=17.74%; P<.001), nocturia (2011-2018: APC=11.54%; P<.001), dysuria (2017-2020: APC=20.77%; P<.001), and incontinence (2011-2016: APC=13.39%; P<.001) exhibited fluctuations over time. The search index trends for weak stream (2011-2017: APC=−4.68%; P<.001; 2017-2020: APC=9.32%; P=.23), split stream (2011-2013: APC=9.50%; P=.44; 2013-2020: APC=2.05%; P=.71), urgency (2011-2018: APC=−2.63%; P=.03; 2018-2020: APC=8.58%; P=.19), and nocturnal enuresis (2011-2018: APC=−3.20%; P=.001; 2018-2020: APC=−4.21%; P=.04) remained relatively stable and consistent. The age distribution of the population for all LUTS-related inquiries showed that individuals aged 20 to 40 years made 73.86% (49,218,123/66,635,247) of the total search inquiries. Further, individuals aged 40 to 49 years made 12.29% (8,193,922/66,635,247) of the total search inquiries for all LUTS-related terms. People from the east part of China made 67.79% (45,172,031/66,635,247) of the total search queries. Additionally, most of the searches for LUTS-related terms were related to those for urinary diseases to varying degrees. Conclusions: Web-based interest in LUTS-related terms fluctuated wildly and was reflected timely by Baidu Index in mainland China. The web-based search popularity of each LUTS-related term varied significantly and differed based on personal interests, the population’s concerns, regional variations, and gender. These data can be used by care providers to track the prevalence of LUTS and the population’s interests, guide the establishment of disease-specific health care policies, and optimize physician-patient health care sessions. %M 34255683 %R 10.2196/27029 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/7/e27029 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/27029 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34255683