新冠肺炎住院患者院内远程医疗方案的评价卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析混合方法研究%A Legler,Sean %A Diehl,Matthew %A Hilliard,Brian %A Olson,Andrew %A Markowitz,Rebecca %A Tignanelli,Christopher %A Melton,Genevieve %A Broccard,Alain %A Kirsch,Jonathan %A Usher,Michael %+明尼苏达大学医学院内科内科综合医学系,420 Delaware St SE, MMC 741, Minneapolis, MN, 55455,美国,1734 223 3450,mgusher@umn.edu %K远程医疗%K医院医疗%K COVID-19 %K远程医疗%K医院混合方法%K评估%K影响%K暴露%K风险%K沟通%D背景:COVID-19感染发生率的上升对卫生保健系统提出了挑战,要求其在节约个人防护装备(PPE)用品的同时提高能力,并最大限度地减少医院传播。远程医疗有望解决这些挑战,但在住院环境中缺乏全面的评估。目的:本研究的目的是评估医院内远程医疗计划(虚拟护理)及其对暴露风险和沟通的影响。方法:对新冠肺炎住院患者进行虚拟护理自然实验。主要暴露变量是虚拟护理的使用。评估了患者特征、个人防护装备使用率及其与虚拟护理使用的关系。与此同时,我们对患者和临床医生进行了调查,以了解在沟通、医疗和暴露风险等领域对虚拟医疗的满意度。结果:在我们初步分析的137例患者中,43例患者使用了虚拟护理。 In total, there were 82 inpatient days of use and 401 inpatient days without use. Hospital utilization and illness severity were similar in patients who opted in versus opted out. Virtual care was associated with a significant reduction in PPE use and physical exam rate. Surveys of 41 patients and clinicians showed high rates of recommendation for further use, and subjective improvements in communication. However, providers and patients expressed limitations in usability, medical assessment, and empathetic communication. Conclusions: In this pilot natural experiment, only a subset of patients used inpatient virtual care. When used, virtual care was associated with reductions in PPE use, reductions in exposure risk, and patient and provider satisfaction. %M 33872187 %R 10.2196/25987 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e25987 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/25987 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33872187