JMIR出版物在COVID-19限制之前、期间和之后的身体活动行为:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析纵向Smartphone-Tracking研究的英国成年人%麦卡锡,汉娜% Potts,亨利W W %费舍尔,阿比盖尔% +卫生信息学研究所、伦敦大学学院尤斯顿路222号,伦敦,NW1 2 da,英国,44 020 3549 5969, % K身体活动% K移动应用% K程序% K健身追踪器% K mHealth % K COVID-19 % K行为% K跟踪% K智能手机% K模式% D原始论文7 3.2.2021 % 9 2021% % J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:COVID-19大流行导致全球实施限制性措施,以减少社会接触和病毒传播。据报道,这些措施对身体活动(PA)有负面影响。大流行期间对PA的研究主要使用自我报告的数据。使用跟踪数据的单一学术研究没有报告人口统计数据。目的:本研究旨在探索英国在封锁之前、期间和之后的智能手机追踪活动模式,并检查社会人口统计学特征和先前PA水平的差异。方法:在2020年1月至6月期间,使用BetterPoints智能手机应用程序捕获跟踪的纵向每周PA分钟数。数据按周、人口统计和基线时的活动水平绘制。使用非参数差异检验来评估封锁前和期间以及封锁解除时的显著点的平均和中位数每周活动分钟数。 Changes over time by demographics (age, gender, Index of Multiple Deprivation, baseline activity levels) were examined using generalized estimating equations (GEEs). Results: There were 5395 users with a mean age of 41 years (SD 12) and 61% (n=3274) were female. At baseline, 26% (n=1422) of users were inactive, 23% (n=1240) were fairly active, and 51% (n=2733) were active. There was a relatively even spread across deprivation deciles (31% [n=1693] in the least deprived deciles and 23% in the most [n=1261]). We found significant changes in PA from the week before the first case of COVID-19 was announced (baseline) to the week that social distancing restrictions were relaxed (Friedman test: χ22=2331, P<.001). By the first full week of lockdown, the median change in PA was 57 minutes less than baseline. This represents a 37% reduction in weekly minutes of PA. Overall, 63% of people decreased their level of activity between baseline and the first week of COVID-19 restrictions. Younger people showed more PA before lockdown but the least PA after lockdown. In contrast, those aged >65 years appeared to remain more active throughout and increased their activity levels as soon as lockdown was eased. Levels of PA among those classed as active at baseline showed a larger drop compared with those considered to be fairly active or inactive. Socioeconomic group and gender did not appear to be associated with changes in PA. Conclusions: Our tracked PA data suggests a significant drop in PA during the United Kingdom’s COVID-19 lockdown. Significant differences by age group and prior PA levels suggests that the government’s response to COVID-19 needs to be sensitive to these individual differences and the government should react accordingly. Specifically, it should consider the impact on younger age groups, encourage everyone to increase their PA, and not assume that people will recover prior levels of PA on their own. %M 33347421 %R 10.2196/23701 %U // %U %U