基于移动和全息会话代理的新型组合的混合无处不在的指导,目标是坚持家庭练卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析习四项设计和评估研究%A Kowatsch,Tobias %A Lohse,Kim-Morgaine %A Erb, valrie %A Schittenhelm,Leo %A Galliker,Helen %A Lehner,Rea %A Huang,Elaine M %+苏黎世联邦理工学院管理、技术和经济学系数字健康干预中心,WEV-G, Weinbergstrasse 56/58,苏黎世,8092,瑞士,41 712247244,tkowatsch@ethz.ch %K无处不在的指导%K增强现实%K医疗保健%K治疗依从性%K设计科学研究%K物理治疗%K慢性背痛%K疼痛%K慢性疼痛%K运动%K依从性%K治疗%K对话代理%K智能手机%K手机%D 2021 %7 22.2.2021 %9原文% jj Med互联网Res %G英语%X有效治疗各种疾病,如肥胖、心脏病或腰痛,不仅需要医疗保健专家的个人现场指导课程,还需要大量的家庭锻炼。然而,不坚持在家锻炼仍然是一个严重的问题,因为它会导致由于长期治疗而增加的费用。目的:为了提高家庭运动的依从性,我们提出、实施并评估了混合无处不在教练(HUC)的新教练概念。在HUC中,通过智能手机提供心理教育和个性化激励信息的对话代理(CA),以及在免提增强现实环境中提供实时锻炼支持、监控和反馈,为医疗保健专家提供补充。方法:我们将HUC应用于物理治疗领域,并与一个跨学科团队进行了4个设计和评估循环,以评估患者和物理治疗师对HUC的看法,以及HUC是否会导致治疗依从性。35名物理治疗患者在实验室环境中评估了第一版HUC,以确定患者对HUC的看法。此外,11名物理治疗师接受了关于HUC的访谈,并评估CA是否可以帮助他们与患者建立工作联盟。 A second version was then tested by 15 patients in a within-subject experiment to identify the ability of HUC to address adherence and to build a working alliance between the patient and the CA. Finally, a 4-week n-of-1 trial was conducted with 1 patient to show one experience with HUC in depth and thereby potentially reveal real-world benefits and challenges. Results: Patients perceived HUC to be useful, easy to use, and enjoyable, preferred it to state-of-the-art approaches, and expressed their intentions to use it. Moreover, patients built a working alliance with the CA. Physiotherapists saw a relative advantage of HUC compared to current approaches but initially did not see the potential in terms of a working alliance, which changed after seeing the results of HUC in the field. Qualitative feedback from patients indicated that they enjoyed doing the exercise with an augmented reality–based CA and understood better how to do the exercise correctly with HUC. Moreover, physiotherapists highlighted that HUC would be helpful to use in the therapy process. The longitudinal field study resulted in an adherence rate of 92% (11/12 sessions; 330/360 repetitions; 33/36 sets) and a substantial increase in exercise accuracy during the 4 weeks. Conclusions: The overall positive assessments from both patients and health care experts suggest that HUC is a promising tool to be applied in various disorders with a relevant set of home exercises. Future research, however, must implement a variety of exercises and test HUC with patients suffering from different disorders. %M 33461957 %R 10.2196/23612 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/2/e23612 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/23612 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33461957