%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 23%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 12% P e31746 %T在COVID-19大流行期间远程医疗的实施、采用和感知:系统回顾%A阿普尔顿,丽贝卡·威廉姆斯,朱莉%A维拉·圣胡安,诺哈%A针,贾斯汀·施利夫,梅尔·乔丹,哈丽特·谢里丹·瑞恩斯,卢克·高丁,露西·巴德汉,莫妮卡·罗克斯堡,艾米丽·巴奈特,菲比·斯皮里多尼迪斯,斯皮罗斯·托马斯科娃,玛格达莱娜·莫,吉平Harju-Seppänen,茉莉·海梅,Zoë卡塞塔,塞西莉亚·帕帕米海尔,亚历山德拉·劳埃德·埃文斯,布林默·辛普森,艾伦·塞夫达里斯,尼克·戈兰,菲奥娜·约翰逊,索尼娅+ NIHR心理健康政策研究伦敦大学学院精神病科,伦敦高尔街,WC1E 6BT,英国,44 2039872554,r.appleton@ucl.ac.uk %K远程医疗%K COVID-19 %K远程护理%K远程医疗%K心理健康%K系统综述,实施科学%D 2021 %7 9.12.2021 %9综述%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:2020年初,由于COVID-19大流行,精神卫生服务不得不迅速从面对面护理模式转变为远程提供大部分治疗(通过视频或电话或偶尔发送短信)。这给工作人员和患者带来了一些挑战,但也带来了好处,例如为行动不便者或农村地区的人提供了便利或增加了接触机会。有必要了解远程保健实施的程度和影响,以及有效和可接受地使用远程保健的障碍和促进因素。这既与将来紧急采用远程保健技术有关,也与今后在日常精神保健中使用远程保健技术的辩论有关。目的:调查COVID-19大流行期间远程医疗方法的采用和影响,以及优化实施的促进因素和障碍。方法:检索了四个数据库(PubMed、PsycINFO、CINAHL和Web of Science),以查找与远程工作、精神卫生保健和COVID-19大流行有关的主要研究。预印本服务器也被搜索。 Results of studies were synthesized using framework synthesis. Results: A total of 77 papers met our inclusion criteria. In most studies, the majority of contacts could be transferred to a remote form during the pandemic, and good acceptability to service users and clinicians tended to be reported, at least where the alternative to remote contacts was interrupting care. However, a range of impediments to dealing optimal care by this means were also identified. Conclusions: Implementation of telemental health allowed some continuing support to the majority of service users during the COVID-19 pandemic and has value in an emergency situation. However, not all service users can be reached by this means, and better evidence is now needed on long-term impacts on therapeutic relationships and quality of care, and on impacts on groups at risk of digital exclusion and how to mitigate these. Trial Registration: PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews CRD42021211025; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42021211025 %M 34709179 %R 10.2196/31746 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/12/e31746 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/31746 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34709179