%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 23卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 11% P e29749 %T机器学习在诊断双相情感障碍中的作用:范围综述%A Jan,Zainab %A AI- ansari,Noor %A Mousa,Osama %A Abd-alrazaq,Alaa %A Ahmed,Arfan %A Alam,Tanvir %A Househ,Mowafa +信息与计算技术部,哈马德·本·哈利法大学科学与工程学院,卡塔尔基金会,教育城,AI Luqta St AI- rayyan,多哈,5825,卡塔尔,974 55708549,mhouseh@hbku.edu.qa %K机器学习%K双相情感障碍%K诊断%K支持向量机%K临床数据%K心理健康%K范围综述%D 2021 %7 19.11.2021 %9综述%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:双相情感障碍(BD)是导致年轻人虚弱的第十大最常见原因,在全球范围内引发了发病率和死亡率。双相障碍患者的预期寿命比正常人低9至17年。双相障碍是一种主要的精神障碍,但它可能被误诊为抑郁症,这导致了治疗患者的困难。大约60%的双相障碍患者接受抑郁症治疗。然而,机器学习为更好地诊断双相障碍提供了先进的技能和技术。目的:本文旨在探讨用于双相障碍及其亚型检测和诊断的机器学习算法。方法:研究方案采用PRISMA-ScR(系统评价首选报告项目和范围评价扩展元分析)指南。我们探索了3个数据库,分别是谷歌Scholar, ScienceDirect和PubMed。为了加强检索,我们对纳入研究的所有参考文献进行了逆向筛选。 Based on the predefined selection criteria, 2 levels of screening were performed: title and abstract review, and full review of the articles that met the inclusion criteria. Data extraction was performed independently by all investigators. To synthesize the extracted data, a narrative synthesis approach was followed. Results: We retrieved 573 potential articles were from the 3 databases. After preprocessing and screening, only 33 articles that met our inclusion criteria were identified. The most commonly used data belonged to the clinical category (19, 58%). We identified different machine learning models used in the selected studies, including classification models (18, 55%), regression models (5, 16%), model-based clustering methods (2, 6%), natural language processing (1, 3%), clustering algorithms (1, 3%), and deep learning–based models (3, 9%). Magnetic resonance imaging data were most commonly used for classifying bipolar patients compared to other groups (11, 34%), whereas microarray expression data sets and genomic data were the least commonly used. The maximum ratio of accuracy was 98%, whereas the minimum accuracy range was 64%. Conclusions: This scoping review provides an overview of recent studies based on machine learning models used to diagnose patients with BD regardless of their demographics or if they were compared to patients with psychiatric diagnoses. Further research can be conducted to provide clinical decision support in the health industry. %M 34806996 %R 10.2196/29749 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/11/e29749 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/29749 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34806996