冲动、自我控制、人际影响和不良适应认知是中国青少年网络游戏障碍的因素:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析香港中文大学赛马会公共卫生及初级护理学院健康行为研究中心,香港沙田银城街,香港,852 2252 8713,jlau@cuhk.edu.hk %K认知%K青少年健康%K健康风险行为%K互联网%K自我控制%K中国%D 2021 %7 27.10.2021 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:游戏障碍,包括网络游戏障碍(IGD),最近被世界卫生组织在《国际疾病分类第11版》(ICD-11)中定义为精神疾病。因此,减少IGD是有必要的。与网络游戏相关的适应不良认知(MCIG)与IGD有关,而冲动、自我控制、父母影响和同伴影响是IGD的主要危险因素。既往文献提示MCIG与上述4种危险因素及IGD相关,可能在上述危险因素与IGD之间起中介作用。这些潜在的中介,如果显著,意味着修改MCIG可能减轻这些危险因素对增加IGD的有害影响。本研究首次验证了这些中介假说。目的:研究MCIG在中国青少年内在因素(冲动和自我控制)与IGD、人际因素(父母影响和同伴影响)与IGD之间的中介作用。方法:在中国广州和成都的教室里对中学生进行了一项匿名、横断面和自我管理的调查。 All grade 7 to 9 students (7 to 9 years of formal education) of 7 secondary schools were invited to join the study, and 3087 completed the survey. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) checklist was used to assess IGD. MCIG was assessed by using the Chinese version of the Revised Internet Gaming Cognition Scale. Impulsivity, self-control, and parental or peer influences were measured by using the motor subscale of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, the Brief Self-Control Scale, and the modified interpersonal influence scale, respectively. Structural equation modeling was conducted to examine the mediation effects of MCIG between these risk factors and IGD. Results: The prevalence of IGD was 13.57% (418/3081) and 17.67% (366/2071) among all participants and adolescent internet gamers, respectively. The 3 types of MCIG (perceived rewards of internet gaming, perceived urges for playing internet games, and perceived unwillingness to stop playing without completion of gaming tasks) were positively associated with IGD. Impulsivity, self-control, parental influences, and peer influences were all significantly associated with the 3 types of MCIG and IGD. The 3 types of MCIG partially mediated the associations between the studied factors and IGD (effect size of 30.0% to 37.8%). Conclusions: Impulsivity, self-control, and interpersonal influences had both direct and indirect effects via MCIG on IGD. Modifications of the 3 types of MCIG can potentially reduce the harmful impacts of impulsivity and interpersonal influences on IGD and enhance the protective effect of self-control against IGD. Future longitudinal studies are warranted. %M 34704960 %R 10.2196/26810 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/10/e26810 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/26810 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34704960