网络成瘾严重程度与精神病理、严重精神疾病和自杀倾向的关系卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析大样本横断面研究%A郭,%A陶婉君,%A李玉洁,%A林晓静,%A孟霞,%A杨雅静,%A王霞,%A张惠瑶,%A唐亚敏,%A王万杰,%A邓强,%A赵伟,%A马连生,%A李晓红,%A陈明丽,%A徐婷,%A李家军,%A郝静,%A李伟,Sing %A Coid,Jeremy W %A Greenshaw,Andrew J %A Li,Tao %+四川大学华西医院精神卫生中心及精神病学实验室,电新南大街28号,中国四川成都,86 18980601817, %K网络%K成瘾%K精神病理学%K自杀%K严重精神疾病%D 2020 %7 11.8.2020 %9原文[J] Med internet Res %G英文%X背景:网络成瘾已成为全球关注的主要问题和心理健康负担。然而,人们对其与心理健康结果的关系缺乏共识。目的:本研究的目的是探讨网络成瘾严重程度与不良心理健康结果之间的关系。方法:邀请2015年9月、2016年9月、2017年9月和2018年9月在四川大学入学的一年级本科生参与本次研究调查,其中85.13%(31,659/37,187)的学生完全回复。采用杨氏20项网络成瘾测试、患者健康问卷-15、患者健康问卷-9、症状检查表- 90、六项Kessler心理困扰量表和自杀行为修正问卷对网络成瘾、四种精神病理(躯体症状严重程度高、临床显著抑郁、精神病和偏执)、严重精神疾病和终生自杀行为进行评估。结果:轻度、中度、重度网络成瘾学生的患病率分别为37.93%(12,009/31,659)、6.33%(2003/31,659)和0.20%(63/31,659)。躯体症状严重程度高、临床显著抑郁、精神病、偏执意念、严重精神疾病患病率分别为6.54%(2072/ 31659)、4.09%(1294/ 31659)、0.51%(160/ 31659)、0.52%(165/ 31659)、1.88%(594/ 31659),自杀意念、自杀计划、自杀企图终生患病率分别为36.31%(11495 / 31659)、5.13%(1624/ 31659)、1.00%(315/ 31659)。非网络成瘾组的四种精神病理及其合并症、筛查出的严重精神疾病和自杀率的患病率和比值比(or)均远低于调查人群的平均水平。 Most of these metrics in the group with mild internet addiction were similar to or slightly higher than the average rates; however, these rates sharply increased in the moderate and severe internet addiction groups. Among the four psychopathologies, clinically significant depression was most strongly associated with internet addiction after adjusting for the confounding effects of demographics and other psychopathologies, and its prevalence increased from 1.01% (178/17,584) in the students with no addiction to 4.85% (582/12,009), 24.81% (497/2,003), and 58.73% (37/63) in the students with mild, moderate, and severe internet addiction, respectively. The proportions of those with any of the four psychopathologies increased from 4.05% (713/17,584) to 11.72% (1408/12,009), 36.89% (739/2003), and 68.25% (43/63); those with lifetime suicidal ideation increased from 24.92% (4382/17,584) to 47.56% (5711/12,009), 67.70% (1356/2003), and 73.02% (46/63); those with a suicidal plan increased from 2.59% (456/17,584) to 6.77% (813/12,009), 16.72% (335/2003), and 31.75% (20/63); and those with a suicidal attempt increased from 0.50% (88/17,584) to 1.23% (148/12,009), 3.54% (71/2003), and 12.70% (8/63), respectively. Conclusions: Moderate and severe internet addiction were strongly associated with a broad group of adverse mental health outcomes, including somatic symptoms that are the core features of many medical illnesses, although clinically significant depression showed the strongest association. This finding supports the illness validity of moderate and severe internet addiction in contrast to mild internet addiction. These results are important for informing health policymakers and service suppliers from the perspective of resolving the overall human health burden in the current era of “Internet Plus” and artificial intelligence. %M 32780029 %R 10.2196/17560 %U // %U %U