%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 22卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 7% P e17502% T与健康相关信息的有偏抽样和因果估计:基于实验室的实验研究%A Moreno-Fernández,María Manuela %A Matute,Helena %+基础学系Métodos de la Psicología,德乌斯托大学心理与教育学院,Avenida de las Universidades, 24,毕尔巴鄂,48007,西班牙,34 944 139 000 ext 3229,manuela.moreno@deusto.es %K信息抽样%K因果错觉%K因果偏差%K健康信息%K健康沟通%D 2020 %7 24.7.2020 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:互联网是健康相关信息的相关来源。互联网上的海量信息迫使用户积极地进行信息选择。先前在实验心理学领域进行的研究表明,信息选择本身可能促进错误信念的发展,即使收集到的信息并没有。目的:本研究的目的是在控制附加信息特征的影响下,评估信息搜索策略(即用于指导信息检索的线索)与健康因果推论之间的关系。方法:我们采用了一个标准的实验室任务,该任务以前曾用于偶然学习的研究,以模拟信息搜索情况。参与者(N=193)被要求收集信息,以确定一种虚构的药物是否会引起过敏反应。他们收集了个别证据,通过检查使用或不使用药物或出现过敏反应的个别病例,来支持或否定这两个事件之间的因果关系。因此,允许一组(原因组,n=105)根据潜在原因对信息进行抽样,而另一组(结果组,n=88)则允许根据结果对信息进行抽样。 Although participants could select which medical records they wanted to check—cases in which the medicine was used or not (in the cause group) or cases in which the effect appeared or not (in the effect group)—they all received similar evidence that indicated the absence of a causal link between the drug and the reaction. After observing 40 cases, they estimated the drug–allergic reaction causal relationship. Results: Participants used different strategies for collecting information. In some cases, participants displayed a biased sampling strategy compatible with positive testing, that is, they required a high proportion of evidence in which the drug was administered (in the cause group) or in which the allergic reaction appeared (in the effect group). Biased strategies produced an overrepresentation of certain pieces of evidence at the detriment of the representation of others, which was associated with the accuracy of causal inferences. Thus, how the information was collected (sampling strategy) demonstrated a significant effect on causal inferences (F1,185=32.53, P<.001, η2p=0.15) suggesting that inferences of the causal relationship between events are related to how the information is gathered. Conclusions: Mistaken beliefs about health may arise from accurate pieces of information partially because of the way in which information is collected. Patient or person autonomy in gathering health information through the internet, for instance, may contribute to the development of false beliefs from accurate pieces of information because search strategies can be biased. %M 32706735 %R 10.2196/17502 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/7/e17502/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/17502 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32706735