公共卫生监测系统中未识别记录的隐私保护记录链接;卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析评估研究%A Nguyen,Long %A stoov,Mark %A Boyle,Douglas %A Callander,Denton %A McManus,Hamish %A Asselin,Jason %A Guy,Rebecca %A Donovan,Basil %A Hellard,Margaret %A El-Hayek,Carol %+ Burnet Institute,墨尔本商业路85号,3004,澳大利亚,61 468689589,long.nguyen@burnet.edu.au %K病历联动%K公共卫生监测%K哨点监测%K敏感性和特异性%K数据联动%K保密性%K评价研究作为主题%D 2020 %7 24.6.2020 %9原文%J J医学互联网研究%G英文%X建立了澳大利亚加强协调哨点监测协作机制(ACCESS),以监测关键人群血液传播病毒和性传播感染的国家检测和检测结果。ACCESS从哨点卫生服务(包括全科诊所、性健康和传染病诊所)以及进行大量乙型肝炎病毒/性传播感染检测的公共和私人实验室提取去识别数据。ACCESS的一个重要特性是能够准确地将参与站点内部和站点之间的个人记录联系起来,因为这使该系统能够产生可靠的流行病学措施。目的:本研究的目的是评估ACCESS中GRHANITE软件提取和链接来自参与诊所和实验室的未识别数据的使用情况。GRHANITE根据现场患者电子医疗记录(emr)中捕获的患者识别数据生成不可逆的散列链接密钥。生成数据链接密钥的算法使用概率链接原则来考虑潜在患者标识符的可变性和完整性,每个EMR生成多达四种链接密钥类型。链接过程中的错误可能由不完善或缺少标识符引起,从而影响系统的完整性。 Therefore, it is important to evaluate the quality of the linkages created and evaluate the outcome of the linkage for ongoing public health surveillance. Methods: Although ACCESS data are deidentified, we created two gold-standard datasets where the true match status could be confirmed in order to compare against record linkage results arising from different approaches of the GRHANITE Linkage Tool. We reported sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values where possible and estimated specificity by comparing a history of HIV and hepatitis C antibody results for linked EMRs. Results: Sensitivity ranged from 96% to 100%, and specificity was 100% when applying the GRHANITE Linkage Tool to a small gold-standard dataset of 3700 clinical medical records. Medical records in this dataset contained a very high level of data completeness by having the name, date of birth, post code, and Medicare number available for use in record linkage. In a larger gold-standard dataset containing 86,538 medical records across clinics and pathology services, with a lower level of data completeness, sensitivity ranged from 94% to 95% and estimated specificity ranged from 91% to 99% in 4 of the 6 different record linkage approaches. Conclusions: This study’s findings suggest that the GRHANITE Linkage Tool can be used to link deidentified patient records accurately and can be confidently used for public health surveillance in systems such as ACCESS. %M 32579128 %R 10.2196/16757 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/6/e16757 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/16757 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32579128