基于纵向行为技术的健康干预计划的适应性行为成分(ABC)模型卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析A Young,Sean D %+加州大学欧文分校信息与计算机科学学院预测技术研究所,欧文,加州,92617-4022,美国,1650 223 5448,syoung5@hs.uci.edu健康行为风险行为行为行为医学公共卫生信息学消费者健康信息学心理学理论越来越多的干预措施将数字和社会技术(如社交媒体、移动电话应用程序和可穿戴设备)纳入其行为改变的设计中。然而,由于许多因素,包括随着时间的推移技术使用趋势的变化,这些干预措施的效果结果参差不齐。需要一个更新的框架来帮助研究人员通过预测所需的资源和可能影响干预措施的趋势的潜在变化来更好地计划行为技术干预。以健康干预领域为例,我们提出了基于技术的行为干预的适应性行为成分(ABC)模型。ABC由五个部分组成:基本行为改变;干预,或以问题为中心的特征;人口、社会和行为特征;个体层面与人格特征; and technology characteristics. ABC was designed with the goals of (1) guiding high-level development for digital technology–based interventions; (2) helping interventionists consider, plan for, and adapt to potential barriers that may arise during longitudinal interventions; and (3) providing a framework to potentially help increase the consistency of findings among digital technology intervention studies. We describe the planning of an HIV prevention intervention as a case study for how to implement ABC into intervention design. Using the ABC model to plan future interventions might help to improve the design of and adherence to longitudinal behavior change intervention protocols; allow these interventions to adapt, anticipate, and prepare for changes that may arise over time; and help to potentially improve intervention behavior change outcomes. Additional research is needed on the influence of each of ABC’s components to help improve intervention design and implementation. %M 32589152 %R 10.2196/15563 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/6/e15563 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/15563 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32589152