新冠肺炎与5G阴谋论(英文)卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析社交网络分析Twitter数据的% Ahmed Wasim % Vidal-Alaball,约瑟%唐宁,约瑟夫·洛佩兹Segui %,弗朗西斯% +纽卡斯尔大学,5工棚Rd,纽卡斯尔,NE1 4 se,英国,44 (0)191 208 150,Wasim.Ahmed@Newcastle.ac.uk % K COVID-19 % K冠状病毒% K Twitter % K错误% K假新闻% K 5克% K社会网络分析% K社交媒体% K公共卫生% K流行% D原始论文7 6.5.2020 % 9 2020% % J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:自2019年12月初以来,冠状病毒病(COVID-19)在全球迅速蔓延,导致网络平台上的讨论增多。这些对话还包括社交媒体用户分享的各种阴谋。其中,一种流行的理论将5G与COVID-19的传播联系起来,导致了错误的信息,并在英国烧毁了5G塔。了解假新闻的驱动因素,以及旨在隔离和退回错误信息的快速政策,是打击假新闻的关键。目的:本研究的目的是了解5G COVID-19阴谋论的驱动因素以及处理此类错误信息的策略。方法:本文对Twitter数据进行了7天(2020年3月27日星期五至2020年4月4日星期六)的社交网络分析和内容分析,其中# 5g冠状病毒标签在英国Twitter上流行。通过社交网络图聚类分析影响用户。根据节点的中间性中心性评分对节点的大小进行排序,并使用Clauset-Newman-Moore算法对图的顶点进行聚类分组。 The topics and web sources used were also examined. Results: Social network analysis identified that the two largest network structures consisted of an isolates group and a broadcast group. The analysis also revealed that there was a lack of an authority figure who was actively combating such misinformation. Content analysis revealed that, of 233 sample tweets, 34.8% (n=81) contained views that 5G and COVID-19 were linked, 32.2% (n=75) denounced the conspiracy theory, and 33.0% (n=77) were general tweets not expressing any personal views or opinions. Thus, 65.2% (n=152) of tweets derived from nonconspiracy theory supporters, which suggests that, although the topic attracted high volume, only a handful of users genuinely believed the conspiracy. This paper also shows that fake news websites were the most popular web source shared by users; although, YouTube videos were also shared. The study also identified an account whose sole aim was to spread the conspiracy theory on Twitter. Conclusions: The combination of quick and targeted interventions oriented to delegitimize the sources of fake information is key to reducing their impact. Those users voicing their views against the conspiracy theory, link baiting, or sharing humorous tweets inadvertently raised the profile of the topic, suggesting that policymakers should insist in the efforts of isolating opinions that are based on fake news. Many social media platforms provide users with the ability to report inappropriate content, which should be used. This study is the first to analyze the 5G conspiracy theory in the context of COVID-19 on Twitter offering practical guidance to health authorities in how, in the context of a pandemic, rumors may be combated in the future. %M 32352383 %R 10.2196/19458 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/5/e19458/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/19458 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32352383