%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 22卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 4% P e17330% T患者对初级保健中精神卫生专家视频会诊的看法:预期收益和障碍的定性预实施研究%A Bleyel,Caroline %A Hoffmann,Mariell %A Wensing,Michel %A Hartmann,Mechthild %A Friederich,Hans-Christoph %A Haun,Markus W %+海德堡大学普通内科和心体学系,Im Neuenheimer Feld 410,海德堡,D-69120,德国,49 622156 ext 38396,markus.haun@med.uni-heidelberg.de %K远程医疗%K远程会诊%K实施%K初级卫生保健%K精神卫生服务%K专题分析%K综合行为健康%K卫生服务研究%D 2020 %7 20.4.2020 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:由于获得专家服务的机会有限,大多数患有常见精神障碍(抑郁或焦虑,或两者兼有)的患者通常在初级保健接受治疗。最近,人们提出了以创新技术为基础的护理模式(如视频咨询),以促进获得专家服务。在此背景下,“改善初级护理和心理社会护理之间的跨部门合作:视频会诊实施研究”项目旨在通过将视频会诊整合到常规初级护理中来改善心理社会护理的提供。目的:从患者的角度,本定性的实施前研究探讨了(1)从初级保健服务中实施心理健康专家视频会诊的预期收益和(2)障碍,以及(3)通过视频会诊与治疗师互动的先决条件。方法:采用有目的(即分层)抽样策略,我们从初级保健诊所和三级保健医院(心身门诊)招募了13名患者进行一次性半结构化访谈。在计算机辅助专题分析中,我们归纳(自下而上)得出了有关心理健康专家视频咨询实用性的关键主题。为了验证我们的结果,我们与受访者讨论了我们的发现,作为系统成员检查的一部分。结果:总的来说,我们得到了3个关键主题和10个子主题。 Participants identified specific benefits in 2 areas: the accessibility of mental health specialist care (shorter waiting times: 11/13, 85%; lower threshold for seeking specialist mental health care: 6/13, 46%; shorter travel distances: 3/13, 23%); and the environment in primary care (familiar travel modalities, premises, and employees: 5/13, 38%). The main barriers to the implementation of mental health video consultations from the patients’ perspective were the lack of face-to-face contact (13/13, 100%) and technical challenges (12/13, 92%). Notably, participants’ prerequisites for interacting with therapists (12/13, 92%) did not seem to differ much from those concerning face-to-face contacts. Conclusions: Mental health service users mostly welcomed mental health specialist video consultations in primary care. Taking a pragmatic stance, service users, who are often frustrated about uncoordinated care, particularly valued the embedment of the consultations in the familiar environment of the primary care practice. With respect to interventional studies and implementation, our findings underscore the need to minimize technical disruptions during video consultations and to ensure optimal resemblance to face-to-face settings (eg, by training therapists in consistently reacting to nonverbal cues). Trial Registration: German Clinical Trials Register DRKS00012487; https://tinyurl.com/uhg2one %M 32310139 %R 10.2196/17330 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/4/e17330/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/17330 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32310139