%0杂志文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 22卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 4% P e13961 %T Re-Enactment as a Method to Re-Enactment as a Method to再现真实世界的跌倒事件使用惯性传感器数据:开发和可用性研究%A Sczuka,Kim Sarah %A Schwickert,Lars %A Becker,Clemens %A Klenk,Jochen %+ Robert-Bosch-Hospital, Auerbachstraße 110,斯图加特,70376,德国,49 711 8101 6078,kim.sczuka@rbk.de %K跌倒%K模拟%K惯性传感器%K方法%D 2020 %7 3.4.2020 %9原始论文%J J Med Internet Res %G英文%X背景:跌倒是一种常见的健康问题,在最坏的情况下可能导致死亡。为了开发可靠的跌倒检测算法和适当的预防干预措施,了解真实世界跌倒事件的情况和特征非常重要。虽然摔倒很常见,但很少被观察到,报道也往往有失偏颇。可穿戴惯性传感器提供了一种客观的方法来捕捉真实世界的坠落信号。然而,从坠落信号中很难直接推导出身体运动的可视化和解释,相应的视频数据也很少。目的:重现方法使用惯性传感器提供的信息来模拟坠落事件,复制数据,验证模拟结果,从而对坠落事件进行更精确的描述。本文的目的是描述这种方法,并证明再现方法的有效性。方法:从“智能和自适应环境设计延长独立生活”(FARSEEING)数据库中选择真实的摔倒数据,由连接在腰部的惯性传感器测量。我们专注于描述良好的跌倒事件,例如在实验室环境的安全条件下重新上演的摔倒事件。 For the purposes of exemplification, we selected the acceleration signal of one fall event to establish a detailed simulation protocol based on identified postures and trunk movement sequences. The subsequent re-enactment experiments were recorded with comparable inertial sensor configurations as well as synchronized video cameras to analyze the movement behavior in detail. The re-enacted sensor signals were then compared with the real-world signals to adapt the protocol and repeat the re-enactment method if necessary. The similarity between the simulated and the real-world fall signals was analyzed with a dynamic time warping algorithm, which enables the comparison of two temporal sequences varying in speed and timing. Results: A fall example from the FARSEEING database was used to show the feasibility of producing a similar sensor signal with the re-enactment method. Although fall events were heterogeneous concerning chronological sequence and curve progression, it was possible to reproduce a good approximation of the motion of a person’s center of mass during fall events based on the available sensor information. Conclusions: Re-enactment is a promising method to understand and visualize the biomechanics of inertial sensor-recorded real-world falls when performed in a suitable setup, especially if video data is not available. %M 32242825 %R 10.2196/13961 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/4/e13961 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/13961 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32242825