会话主体对健康和生活方式提示的反应:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析适当性和陈述结构的调查%A Kocaballi,Ahmet Baki %A Quiroz,Juan C %A Rezazadegan,Dana %A Berkovsky,Shlomo %A Magrabi,Farah %A Coiera,Enrico %A Laranjo,Liliana %+澳大利亚健康创新研究所
,麦考瑞大学,塔拉维拉路75号6层,新南威尔士州悉尼,2109,澳大利亚,61 0466431900,abakik@gmail.com %K会话代理%K聊天机器人%K患者安全%K健康素养%K公共卫生%K设计原则%K评估%D 2020 %7 10.2.2020 %9原始论文%J J Med Internet Res %G English %X背景:会话代理(ca)是使用文本或口语模拟人类对话的系统。它们广泛使用的例子包括声控系统,如苹果Siri、谷歌助手、亚马逊Alexa和微软Cortana。CAs在医疗保健中的使用一直在增加,但对其潜在安全风险的担忧往往仍未得到充分研究。目的:本研究旨在分析智能手机和智能扬声器上常见的通用ca如何回应健康和生活方式提示(问题和开放式陈述),通过检查它们在内容和结构方面的回应。方法:我们遵循一个试点脚本,向8个ca提供健康和生活方式相关的提示。根据提示类型对ca的答复的适当性进行评估:如果对安全关键提示的答复包括转诊到健康专业人员或服务机构,则认为是适当的,而对生活方式提示的答复如果提供了解决提示问题的相关信息,则认为是适当的。根据信息来源(基于网络搜索或预先编码)、回应内容风格(信息性和/或指导性)、确认及时识别和移情来检查回应结构。结果:8个被研究的ca对30个提示总共提供了240个响应。 They collectively responded appropriately to 41% (46/112) of the safety-critical and 39% (37/96) of the lifestyle prompts. The ratio of appropriate responses deteriorated when safety-critical prompts were rephrased or when the agent used a voice-only interface. The appropriate responses included mostly directive content and empathy statements for the safety-critical prompts and a mix of informative and directive content for the lifestyle prompts. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the commonly available, general-purpose CAs on smartphones and smart speakers with unconstrained natural language interfaces are limited in their ability to advise on both the safety-critical health prompts and lifestyle prompts. Our study also identified some response structures the CAs employed to present their appropriate responses. Further investigation is needed to establish guidelines for designing suitable response structures for different prompt types. %R 10.2196/15823 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/2/e15823 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/15823