%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 22卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 12% P e25070% T记录社交媒体参与作为奖学金:新模型评估健康职业% Acquaviva学术成就,金伯利D % Mugele, Josh % Abadilla,娜塔莎%亚当森,泰勒%伯恩斯坦,萨曼莎L % Bhayani, Rakhee K % Buchi,问伊丽莎白% Burbage,达西%卡罗尔,克里斯托弗·L %戴维斯,萨曼莎Dhawan P %,娜塔莎%伊顿,爱丽丝%英语,金正日%格里尔,詹妮弗·T %惨淡,玛丽K %哈恩,艾米丽·S %哈克,希瑟%黄,布伦丹% Jain, Shikha % 6月,金%克尔,韦斯利T %凯斯,盖%科比,阿梅利亚R %利瑞,马里恩·马尔,莫丽·梅杰,阿贾伊·梅瑟尔,杰森·彼得森,埃里卡·拉冈,贝拉·罗兹,艾莉森·鲁珀特,黛博拉·萨姆·阿古都,纳迪亚·索尔,纳勒迪·沙阿,贾娜·谢尔登,丽莎·肯尼迪·辛克莱,克里斯蒂安·斯宾塞,克里·斯特兰德,小娜塔莉·斯特里德,卡尔·特鲁德尔,弗吉尼亚大学护理学院,埃弗里·M +,弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔麦克劳德大厅,22903,美国,1 202 423 0984,kda8xj@virginia.edu %K社交媒体%K推广%K终身职位%K卫生专业%K奖学金%K医学%K研究%K成就%K众包%K贡献%K创新%K教育%K传播%D 2020 %7 2.12.2020 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网资源%G英语%X背景:卫生专业的晋升和终身职位的传统模式在很大程度上依赖于通过教学、研究和服务获得的正式奖学金。各机构考虑在每个领域给予活动多少权重,并确定进步的门槛。随着社交媒体的出现,学者们可以以创造性的方式吸引更广泛的受众,并产生更广泛的影响。像h指数这样的传统指标没有考虑到社交媒体的影响。社交媒体参与在大多数简历(CV)中表现不佳,因此在晋升和终身教职评估中被低估。目的:目的是为记录社交媒体学术制定众包指南。这些指南旨在为记录学者对社交媒体的总体影响提供一个结构,以及记录个人社交媒体贡献的方法,例如创新、教育、指导、倡导和传播。 Methods: To create unifying guidelines, we created a crowdsourced process that capitalized on the strengths of social media and generated a case example of successful use of the medium for academic collaboration. The primary author created a draft of the guidelines and then sought input from users on Twitter via a publicly accessible Google Document. There was no limitation on who could provide input and the work was done in a democratic, collaborative fashion. Contributors edited the draft over a period of 1 week (September 12-18, 2020). The primary and secondary authors then revised the draft to make it more concise. The guidelines and manuscript were then distributed to the contributors for edits and adopted by the group. All contributors were given the opportunity to serve as coauthors on the publication and were told upfront that authorship would depend on whether they were able to document the ways in which they met the 4 International Committee of Medical Journal Editors authorship criteria. Results: We developed 2 sets of guidelines: Guidelines for Listing All Social Media Scholarship Under Public Scholarship (in Research/Scholarship Section of CV) and Guidelines for Listing Social Media Scholarship Under Research, Teaching, and Service Sections of CV. Institutions can choose which set fits their existing CV format. Conclusions: With more uniformity, scholars can better represent the full scope and impact of their work. These guidelines are not intended to dictate how individual institutions should weigh social media contributions within promotion and tenure cases. Instead, by providing an initial set of guidelines, we hope to provide scholars and their institutions with a common format and language to document social media scholarship. %M 33263554 %R 10.2196/25070 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/12/e25070 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/25070 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33263554