移动健康干预前列腺活检患者减少预约取消:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析队列研究% Balakrishnan, Ashwin S % Nguyen郝G %筱原Katsuto %盟Yeung,鲁本%卡罗尔,彼得•R % Odisho Anobel Y % +泌尿外科部门,加州大学旧金山,诗坛大街400号、旧金山、钙、美国,1 415 476 1611, % K短信% K任命和时间表% K mHealth % K质量改进% K泌尿外科% K前列腺肿瘤% D原始论文7 2.6.2019 % 9 2019% % J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:不充分的患者教育和准备的办公室为基础的程序往往导致延迟护理,患者满意度差,并增加成本的卫生保健系统。我们为计划进行经直肠前列腺活检的患者开发并部署了移动健康(mHealth)提醒和教育计划。目的:我们旨在评估移动健康提醒和教育项目对预约取消率、沟通频率和患者满意度的影响。方法:我们开发了一个基于短信(SMS,短消息服务)的程序,其中包含7个提醒,其中包含web内容的链接以及在18天内(前列腺活检前14天至后3天)发送的调查。消息包含教育内容、提醒和准备情况调查问卷。收集干预前后6个月的人口统计信息、预约取消或更改数据以及患者/提供者沟通事件。在干预后队列中评估患者满意度。结果:干预前(n=473)和干预后(n=359)队列由年龄中位数相近、种族/民族分布、离诊所距离相近的男性组成。 The postintervention cohort had significantly fewer canceled or rescheduled appointments (33.8% vs 21.2%, P<.001) and fewer same-day cancellations (3.8% vs 0.5%, P<.001). There was a significant increase in preprocedural telephone calls (0.6 vs 0.8 calls per patient, P=.02) in the postintervention cohort, but not a detectable change in postprocedural calls. The mean satisfaction with the program was 4.5 out of 5 (SD 0.9). Conclusions: An mHealth periprocedural outreach program significantly lowered appointment cancellation and rescheduling and was associated with high patient satisfaction scores with a slight increase in preprocedural telephone calls. This led to fewer underused procedure appointments and high patient satisfaction. %M 31199294 %R 10.2196/14094 %U // %U %U