[0]期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 % JMIR出版社%V 21%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 4 %P e12003 % A香港学生的数字游戏与校本干预:准实验设计%沈雅娟,闫雅娟,黎雅娟,梁咏琪,郑咏琪,黄美娟,苏何洁,周志强,罗志强,叶奕华,SF %+香港大学香港赛马会自杀研究及预防中心,中国香港薄扶林沙宣道5号香港赛马会跨学科研究大楼2楼(香港),852 28315232;sfpyip@hku.hk %K以数字游戏为基础的学习%K以学校为基础的学习%K心理健康%K学校%K学生%K儿童福利%K健康促进%K随访研究%K互联网接入%K公共卫生%K非随机对照试验%D 2019 %7 05.04.2019 %9原文%J J Med互联网研究%G英语%X在香港,有精神健康问题的儿童越来越多,我们不仅需要发展创新的干预措施,也需要发展全面的预防措施,以减轻他们的焦虑症状,加强他们的情绪管理和人际关系。目的:本研究的目的是通过基于数字游戏和基于学校的心理健康增强干预,确定认知行为方法与积极心理学的整合模型“DoReMiFa冒险”的有效性,以放大香港9至11岁学龄儿童的社会和情感健康和福祉。方法:采用准实验设计方法对数字游戏和校本干预进行评估。DoReMiFa的冒险在4所小学进行了试点,学生被分配到干预组和对照组。在干预前后对参与者进行了为期6个月的随访,测量了他们的心理健康知识、焦虑症状水平、积极和消极思维、换位思考和自尊。结果:共有来自4所小学的459名小学生参与研究。网络问卷的回复率高达85.1%(391/459)。 Compared with the control group, the intervention group was found to have significant association with improved mental health knowledge at the time immediately after the intervention (beta=.46; P=.01) and in the 6-month postintervention period (beta=.66; P<.001); for perspective-taking, the intervention group had exhibited a significant improvement 6 months after the completion of the universal program (beta=1.50; P=.03). The intervention, however, was found not to be effective in reducing the rates of anxiety symptoms and negative thinking among the participating students. Conclusions: The Adventures of DoReMiFa, an integration of a digital game–based and school-based mental health enhancement intervention, was shown to be effective in elevating the knowledge of mental health and promoting perspective-taking in the primary school students of Hong Kong. Although there was insufficient evidence to support a reduction in symptoms of anxiety and negative automatic thoughts, the overall results were still encouraging in that a preventive effect was found, indicating that the program has the potential to enhance the mental well-being of schoolchildren. It also suggests that knowledge enhancement may not necessarily lead to behavior change, and more focused effort may be needed to achieve the translation. The implications and limitations of this study and suggestions for future research were also discussed. %M 30950795 %R 10.2196/12003 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2019/4/e12003/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/12003 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30950795