%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 21卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 3% P e10170% T医生在线努力和声誉对患者选择的影响:中国好医生网3波数据分析%A邓兆华%洪兆华%张子英%A张伟%A Evans Richard %A陈燕燕%+武汉硚口区航空路13号华中科技大学医学与健康管理学院智慧健康研究院,430030,86 13397110378,weizhanghust@hust.edu.cn %K个医生评级网站%K个医生努力%K个医生声誉%K个患者选择%K个面板数据分析%D 2019 %7 08.03.2019 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网资源%G英文%X背景:如今,患者通过互联网更频繁地寻求医生信息。医生评级网站(prw)已被公认为在接受咨询之前获得特定医生的洞察和详细信息的最便捷方式。然而,关于prw提供的信息如何影响患者寻求医疗建议的决定,目前所知甚少。目的:本研究旨在探讨医生在PRWs上的网络努力和声誉是否与患者对医生的选择有关系。方法:基于社会交换理论建立模型,分析在线患者数量的相关因素。在2017年2月、4月和6月期间,对中国好医生网站上的4037名医生进行了三波数据收集。以60天内咨询次数的增加作为因变量,而采用线性回归模型对2个系列数据进行分析。采用固定效应模型对三波数据进行分析。 Results: The adjusted R2 value in the linear regression models were 0.28 and 0.27, whereas in the fixed-effect model, it was .30. Both the linear regression and fixed-effect models yielded a good fit. A positive effect of physicians’ effort on the aggregated number of online patients was identified in all models (R2=0.30 and R2=0.37 in 2 regression models; R2=0.23 in fixed effect model; P<.001). The proxies of physicians’ reputations indicated different results, with total number of page views of physicians’ homepages (R2=0.43 and R2=0.46; R2=0.16; P<.001) and number of votes received (R2=0.33 and R2=0.27; R2=0.43; P<.001) being seen as positive. Virtual gifts were not significant in all models, whereas thank-you messages were only significant in the fixed-effect model (R2=0.11; P=.02). The effort made by physicians online is positively associated with their aggregated number of patients consulted, whereas the effect of a physician’s reputation remains uncertain. The control effect of a physician’s title and hospital’s level was not significant in all linear regressions. Conclusions: Both the effort and reputation of physicians online contribute to the increased number of online patients’ consultation; however, the influence of a physician’s reputation varies. This may imply that physicians’ online effort and reputation are critical in attracting patients and that strategic manipulation of physician profiles is worthy of study. Practical insights are also discussed. %M 30848726 %R 10.2196/10170 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2019/3/e10170/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/10170 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30848726