%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 21卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 2% P e12400% T关于潜在乳腺癌症状的在线信息查询:使用互联网浏览跟踪工具捕捉在线行为%A Marcu,Afrodita %A Muller,Cecile %A Ream,Emma %A Whitaker,Katriina L %+萨里大学健康与医学科学学院健康科学学院,肯特公爵大楼,吉尔福德,GU2 7XH,英国,44 0148 36 82515,afrodita.marcu@surrey.ac.uk %K乳腺癌%K健康信息%K互联网搜索%K在线信息搜索%D 2019 %7 06.02.2019 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:人们在经历不寻常或不熟悉的身体变化时,会在网上进行健康信息搜索。目前尚不清楚人们在出现不熟悉的症状后和在接受潜在诊断之前如何在互联网上咨询健康信息,以及在线信息搜索如何帮助人们评估其症状。这种证据的缺乏可能部分是由于实时捕捉在线信息搜索过程的方法上的限制。目的:我们探讨了女性的症状归因和在线健康信息搜索,以应对一个假设的和不熟悉的乳房变化提示癌症(乳头皮疹)。我们还旨在通过一种用于跟踪参与者在线搜索和访问网站的工具,即Vizzata浏览器跟踪器,建立实时捕获在线信息搜索过程的可行性。方法:一项在线调查由56名无癌症女性(平均年龄60.34岁[SD 7.73]岁)完成,要求她们想象在乳头上发现红色鳞状皮疹。参与者被要求在看到场景(T1)时进行症状归因,并在在线查找信息后再次进行归因(T2)。在调查中嵌入的在线跟踪工具被用来实时捕获参与者的搜索词和访问网站。 Results: The tracking tool captured the search terms and accessed websites of most of the participants (46/56, 82%). For the rest (10/56, 18%), there was evidence of engagement in online information-seeking (eg, medical terminology and cancer attribution at T2) despite their searching activity not being recorded. A total of 25 participants considered cancer as a potential cause for the nipple rash at T1, yet only one of these used cancer as a search term. Most participants (40/46, 87%) used rash-related search terms, particularly nipple rash and rash on nipple. The majority (41/46, 89%) accessed websites containing breast cancer information, with the National Health Service webpage “Paget disease of the nipple” being the most visited one. At T2, after engaging in the internet search task, more participants attributed the nipple rash to breast cancer than at T1 (37/46, 66% vs 25/46, 45%), although a small number of participants (6/46) changed from making a cancer attribution at T1 to a noncancer one at T2. Conclusions: Making a cancer attribution for an unfamiliar breast change did not necessarily translate into cancer-termed searches. Equally, not all internet searches led to a cancer attribution. The findings suggest that online information-seeking may not necessarily help women who experience unfamiliar breast cancer symptoms understand their condition. Despite some technical issues, this study showed that it is feasible to use an online browser tracking tool to capture in real time information-seeking about unfamiliar symptoms. %M 30724741 %R 10.2196/12400 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2019/2/e12400/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/12400 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30724741