%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 21%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 12% P e15132% T在互联网上搜索不孕不育信息:患者需求和偏好调查%A Brochu,Felicia %A Robins,Stephanie %A Miner,Skye %A Grunberg,Paul H %A Chan,Peter %A Lo,Kirk %A Holzer,Hananel E G %A Mahutte,Neal %A Ouhilal,Sophia %A Tulandi,Togas %A Zelkowitz,Phyllis +犹太综合医院精神科,4333 Côte-Sainte-Catherine路,蒙特利尔,QC, H3T 1E4,加拿大,1 5143408222 ext 25258, phyllis.zelkowitz@mcgill.ca %K不孕%K互联网%K消费者健康信息%K患者满意度%K压力,背景:考虑到不孕症诊断和治疗的复杂性以及互联网查找健康相关信息的便利性,接受不孕症治疗的人经常使用网络资源来获取不孕症信息和支持。然而,人们对不孕症患者在互联网上搜索的信息和支持资源的类型以及这些资源是否满足他们的需求知之甚少。目的:本研究的目的是(1)检查哪些个体因素,即人口特征和痛苦,与在互联网上搜索不同类型的不孕不育相关信息和支持资源有关;(2)确定网络资源是否满足患者的需求。方法:寻求不孕症治疗的男性和女性对一项评估使用网络资源获取不孕症相关信息和支持的调查做出了回应。调查进一步评估了对网络资源的满意度以及感知压力和抑郁症状。结果:共有567名参与者,包括254名男性和313名女性,完成了调查。大多数参与者(490/558,87.8%)曾在互联网上搜索不孕不育信息和支持。搜索者更有可能是女性(P<.001)、受过高等教育(P=.04)、长期患者(P=.03)和更痛苦(P=.04)。 Causes of infertility, treatment options, and scientific literature about infertility were the three most frequently searched topics, whereas ways to discuss treatment with family and friends as well as surrogacy and ways to find peer support were the three least searched topics. Of those who searched the internet, 70.9% (346/488) indicated that their needs were met by Web-based information, whereas 29.1% (142/488) said that their needs were not met. Having unmet needs was related to greater levels of perceived stress (P=.005) and depressive symptomatology (P=.03). Conclusions: This study provides evidence for the important role of the internet in accessing infertility information and support and for the ability of Web-based resources to meet patients’ needs. However, although distressed patients reported particularly high rates of searching, their needs were not always met, suggesting that they may benefit from alternative sources of information and support or guidance from health care providers when searching the internet. %M 31829963 %R 10.2196/15132 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2019/12/e15132 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/15132 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31829963