%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 21%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 11% P e14809 %T患者报告的他汀类药物、记忆和认知在线交流的结果:使用在线社区进行定性分析Timimi,Farris %A Ray,Sara %A Jones,Erik %A Aase,Lee %A Hoffman,Kathleen %+ Mayo诊所心血管疾病科,西南罗切斯特第一街200号,MN, 55905,美国,1 507 284 1446,timimi.farris@mayo.edu %K社交媒体%K羟甲基戊二酰辅酶a还原酶抑制剂%K药物相关副作用和不良反应%K记忆丧失%K PROMs %K药物警戒%K信息病学%K信息监测%K同行支持团体%D 2019 %7 28.11.2019 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:在药物开发临床试验中,需要在通过设置资格标准限制变量和代表一旦批准可能使用产品的更广泛的患者群体之间取得平衡。同样,尽管最近的政策举措侧重于纳入历史上代表性不足的群体,但障碍仍然存在。临床试验的这些局限性可能掩盖了潜在的产品益处和副作用。为了弥合这些差距,卫生社区的在线交流可以作为药物副作用的额外人群信号。目的:本研究的目的是采用非传统数据集来识别药物副作用信号。该研究旨在将自然语言处理(NLP)技术和实际语言分析应用于已知他汀类药物使用者的一组在线帖子,以(1)确定他汀类药物使用与记忆或认知障碍之间的任何潜在交叉;(2)获取患者在描述他汀类药物使用经历和记忆变化时使用的词汇。方法:研究人员利用Inspire上的用户生成内容,查看了Inspire上超过1100万篇帖子。 Posts were written by patients and caregivers belonging to a variety of communities on Inspire. After identifying these posts, researchers used NLP and hands-on linguistic analysis to draw and expand upon correlations among statin use, memory, and cognition. Results: NLP analysis of posts identified statistical correlations between statin users and the discussion of memory impairment, which were not observed in control groups. NLP found that, out of all members on Inspire, 3.1% had posted about memory or cognition. In a control group of those who had posted about TNF inhibitors, 6.2% had also posted about memory and cognition. In comparison, of all those who had posted about a statin medication, 22.6% (P<.001) also posted about memory and cognition. Furthermore, linguistic analysis of a sample of posts provided themes and context to these statistical findings. By looking at posts from statin users about memory, four key themes were found and described in detail in the data: memory loss, aphasia, cognitive impairment, and emotional change. Conclusions: Correlations from this study point to a need for further research on the impact of statins on memory and cognition. Furthermore, when using nontraditional datasets, such as online communities, NLP and linguistic methodologies broaden the population for identifying side-effect signals. For side effects such as those on memory and cognition, where self-reporting may be unreliable, these methods can provide another avenue to inform patients, providers, and the Food and Drug Administration. %M 31778117 %R 10.2196/14809 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2019/11/e14809/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/14809 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31778117