基于网络的接受-促进干预:识别患者对网络和移动疼痛干预的接受、吸收和依卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析从性随机对照试验%A Lin,Jiaxi %A Faust,Bianca %A Ebert,David Daniel %A Krämer,Lena %A Baumeister,Harald %+乌尔姆大学临床心理与心理治疗系心理研究所,阿尔伯特-爱因斯坦-阿尔利47,D乌尔姆,乌尔姆,89069,德国,49 07315032800,harald.baumeister@uni-ulm.de %K摄取%K接受%K依从性%K eHealth %K慢性疼痛%K随机对照试验%D 2018 %7 21.08.2018 %9原文%J J Med Internet Res %G英文%X基于互联网和移动的干预措施对慢性疼痛的治疗是有效的。然而,对于患者是否愿意参与这些类型的干预措施以及如何改进这些干预措施,人们知之甚少。目的:本研究的目的是确定人们对基于互联网和移动设备的慢性疼痛干预的接受、吸收和依从性(主要结果),以及信息视频作为一种接受促进干预(AFI)的影响。方法:在这项平行设计的随机对照试验中,我们邀请了489名慢性疼痛患者参加一项基于网络的调查,评估他们对基于互联网和移动设备的干预措施的接受程度,并在干预完成后接受无指导的基于互联网和移动设备的慢性疼痛干预。网络调查的两个版本(有和没有AFI)被随机发送到两组:一组有AFI (n=245),一组没有AFI (n=244)。完成网络调查的参与者有或没有AFI分别进入干预组或对照组。在调查中,用4项量表(总分从4到20)测量了个体对疼痛干预的接受程度,评估了接受程度的预测因子、社会人口统计学和疼痛相关变量以及身体和情绪功能。在获得干预措施4个月后,对干预措施的吸收率(登录干预措施)和依从性(完成模块的数量)进行评估。 To examine which factors influence acceptance, uptake rate, and adherence in the internet- and mobile-based interventions, we conducted additional exploratory subgroup analyses. Results: In total, 57 (intervention group) and 58 (control group) participants in each group completed the survey and were included in the analyses. The groups did not differ with regard to acceptance, uptake rate, or adherence (P=.64, P=.56, P=.75, respectively). Most participants reported moderate (68/115, 59.1%) to high (36/115, 31.3%) acceptance, with 9.6% (11/115) showing low acceptance (intervention group: mean 13.91, SD 3.47; control group: mean 13.61, SD 3.50). Further, 67% (38/57, intervention group) and 62% (36/58, control group) had logged into the intervention. In both groups, an average of 1.04 (SD 1.51) and 1.14 (SD 1.90) modules were completed, respectively. Conclusions: The informational video was not effective with regard to acceptance, uptake rate, or adherence. Despite the high acceptance, the uptake rate was only moderate and adherence was remarkably low. This study shows that acceptance can be much higher in a sample participating in an internet- and mobile-based intervention efficacy trial than in the target population in routine health care settings. Thus, future research should focus not only on acceptance and uptake facilitating interventions but also on ways to influence adherence. Further research should be conducted within routine health care settings with more representative samples of the target population. Trial Registration: German Clinical Trial Registration DRKS00006183; http://www.drks.de/drks_web/navigate.do ?navigationId=trial.HTML&TRIAL_ID=DRKS00006183 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/70ebHDhne) %M 30131313 %R 10.2196/jmir.9925 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2018/8/e244/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9925 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30131313