%0杂志文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 20卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 4% P e 135% T使用智能手机进行黑色素瘤的早期检测:系统回顾%一只老鼠,塞德里克% Hild, Sandrine %一个Rault Serandour,朱莉%高提耶,Aurelie %一个Quereux流行% Dreno,林%阮,jean - michel % +部门惯例,南特大学医学院1加斯顿街的面纱,南特,44000南特,法国,33 6 61 86 79 53岁cedric.rat@univ-nantes.fr % K智能手机% K黑色素瘤% K筛查% K teledermatology % K远程医疗% K移动应用7 13.04.2018 2018% % D % 9审查% J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:黑色素瘤的早期诊断与死亡率降低有关。这款智能手机自带应用程序,还可以将照片发送给皮肤科医生,可以提高黑色素瘤的早期诊断。目的:我们综述的目的是报告以下方面的证据:(1)自动智能手机应用程序和通过智能手机存储并转发远程皮肤病学在黑色素瘤早期检测中的诊断性能,(2)对患者医疗护理过程的影响,以及(3)可行性标准(重点关注拍照方式、数据传输和得到回复的时间)。方法:我们对PubMed从2007年1月1日(第一款智能手机发布)到2017年11月1日进行了系统搜索。结果:25项研究的结果包括13项集中于存储和转发远程皮肤病学,12项分析了自动智能手机应用程序。存储和转发远程皮肤病学开辟了几个新的视角,例如它加速了护理过程(少于10天vs 80天),并且在初级保健人群中评估了相关程序。然而,远程皮肤科医生的结论与皮肤科医生进行面对面检查的结论之间的一致性取决于研究(kappa系数范围为0.20至0.84,中位κ= 0.60)。使用皮肤镜可改善一致性(kappa系数范围为0.29 ~ 0.87,中位κ=.74)。 Regarding automated smartphone apps, the major concerns are the lack of assessment in clinical practice conditions, the lack of assessment in primary care populations, and their low sensitivity, ranging from 7% to 87% (median 69%). In this literature review, up to 20% of the photographs transmitted were of insufficient quality. The modalities of picture taking and encryption of the data were only partially reported. Conclusions: The use of store-and-forward teledermatology could improve access to a dermatology consultation by optimizing the care course. Our review confirmed the absence of evidence of the safety and efficacy of automated smartphone medical apps. Further research is required to determine quality criteria, as there was major variability among the studies. %M 29653918 %R 10.2196/jmir.9392 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2018/4/e135/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9392 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29653918